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Mitchell Airport interference

Started by elcheapo, Wednesday Nov 19, 2008, 06:39:22 PM

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I live right next to the airport. I'm about 50 yard south of the grounds. I have a tv top antenna with out amp. The planes seem to interfere with the signal. Is there an antenna the I can get that would help me? :bang:


I'm sure the experts will chime in here... but here's my $0.02 worth.

Generally, larger and higher placed antennas work the best.  But, in your case, amplifying the signal, or putting up a bigger antenna might just make the problem worse.  I would try experimenting with different antennas.  Positioning can sometimes make a big difference in signal strength and interference rejection.  

Perhaps you can work out a money back deal with an antenna retailer to try different types of antenna and amp combinations.  I'm told this indoor antenna performs quite well:

If you live near the approach, or departure, for one of the runways, you may just be out of luck.  Those big aluminum planes are perfect reflectors of TV signals.  There's little you can do about that.  Because the planes are in motion, it would be very difficult to isolate the interference they cause.  One of the joys of living next to an airport I guess.  Cable my be your only sure-fire solution.

I've had good luck building my own antenna that I placed in my attic.  Search on the web for DIY OTA antennas and you will find a number or forums and websites devoted to the subject.  For just a few dollars and a simple tools, you can build an antenna that will outperform most store bought models.  I built mine for less than $10 in materials and receive all the Milwaukee channels with 80-95% signal strength from 20 miles out.

Good luck.  Let us know how things work out for you.  



Bill is right.  Planes are likely causing multi-path distortions.  The main TV signal is bouncing off the airplane(s), causing two signals to hit your antenna.  One is from the desired path, coming directly from the transmitter.  The other is arriving a bit later, as the signal is traveling farther (2 sides of a triangle vs 1).  The second path is much weaker than the desired signal, but its enough to cause problems as your antenna receives two signals at slightly different times.
If that's the case, no RF amp or antenna will fix it.  You must physically relocate the antenna away from the interfering source(s).  That means moving your house or the airport, or paying for a service from a satellite or ground based provider (cable or U-verse).


Of course living where you do the planes would do the same with a Satellite system.

I live on the SW side of Milw. When the flight patterns are right I too will get a hiccup in my signal from passing planes.

Also Flight for Life will do the same, I'm not too far from Froedtert and when FFl passes overhead the same thing happens especially because of the low altitude they are ususally at.


THanks guys for the info.I was watching the Packers lose to the Saints and every time a plane land , I lost my signal. It must have been a busy night at Mitchel Airport. It seemed like every 10 minutes. So I had it.  I just saw that directv had a sale on the package better then what I use to have. So I went back to them that night. I didn't get to bed until 1 am. Well now I am getting to watch and not miss a word action while the planes go by.:D:D
 ps, I'm not going to list what I got because it's not that impressive.  :o