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Packers hire Mike McCarthy

Started by Ralph Kramden, Friday Jan 13, 2006, 01:43:24 AM

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Ralph Kramden

Why would the Packers hire the offensive coordinator from the worst offense, and the worst team in the NFL?
I don't know, but as a Bears fan I love it.

Tom Snyder

Probably for the same reason the Jets will hire Sherman... a carreer can't be based on just one season. Sherman had a 4-12 season last year, but his overall record was the 4th best in Packer history.

Mike McCarthy's record last season wasn't indicative of his entire carreer. He also spent 5 years as the Saints' Offensive co-ordinator, and in those years, he did alright.. fielding top ten offenses.  On paper it's a defensible hire ( http://www.packers.com/team/coaches/mccarthy_mike/ ).

But time will tell... it could turn out as good as the last time they hired an Offensove co-oridnator named Mike from the 49ers. Nobody knows...but either way it'll give us something to talk about. :)
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I was kind of hoping for a scream at the players/refs kind of coach, rather than one who stares at a chart during the game.  This guy seemed pretty lame on the TV interview.  I think this will end very bad.

Tom Snyder

I read somewhere that his tendancy to really get in Aaron Brooks' grill was what made Brooks the QB he was.. and that after McCarthy left, Brooks' performance dropped significantly.

Don't know how true that is, but if it is, it may be just what Favre needs, if he comes back.  I think Bevill's fear of reading Favre the riot act when he did stupid stuff was partially responsible for his sad performance last season.
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I don't know if Favre will come back or not.  Without protection and a running game, it will be tough to lure him back.  Not to mention he really only has Driver to play catch with.  Without protection, running backs, and receivers, I don't think any coach can help Favre.  He needs to be supported by a team, it seems like when he is a one man team, he plays pretty bad.  When he has a supporting group of athletes around him, he seems to do better.  Maybe coaching can make a difference, but I don't think it can make up for missing lots of good players on a team.

I will watch the Packers no matter who is playing or coaching.  What else is there to do during Winter in Wisconsin?......


Sherman is being considered for the New Orleans Saints head coach as well.  Now wouldn't that be interesting?  As I'm sure you all remember, former Packer Mike Mickenzie wanted to be traded to get away from Mike Sherman.  Now Mickenzie has landed in NO and it looks as though Sherman may be on his way there as well.  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: