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CBS58 2005-06 Equipment and Switching Failures

Started by Joseph S, Monday Sep 19, 2005, 04:31:15 PM

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Quote from: SRW1000There's a big problem with the OTA sound during The Amazing Race tonight.  It kind of sounds like the static sound I was hearing during Survivor, but it's almost constant.

Tonight's Amazing Race is plagued with that horrible static sound again.  It sounded like someone was trying various sound levels at the beginning of the show.

As I type this, the sound keeps changing.

I hope they get this corrected.  I don't want to have to go back to analog.



The problem was never fixed during tonight's episode.


Joseph S

What a pathetic job they did tonight. You literally can watch them flip back and forth from the national upconvert with perfect ound and picture to local upconvert with inferior picture and garbage at the top plus the awful hissing over and over again.

The local affiliates are plunging from the toilet to the sewer. My moving process begins tomorrow with house hunting. :) New remote and to-be localish HDPVR in Boston market with full bandwidth CBS with another to follow in who knows where I finally land.


Yes,  Watching The Amazing Race was Horrible :mad: .  I am Done with Watching 58-1 They have no idea of what they are doing.  They flipped back and forth like 5 times.  I Truely wonder if corprate CBS likes them ruining Stuff like this.  I have Changed my Tivo to record anything that comes on CBS to do it off the New York feed from Direct TV, Cause even with all the compression Direct tv uses it looks AND SOUNDS way better then the Crap 58 is doing.

Joseph S


This thread kind of died out, and the problem seemed to have been fixed.

Tonight, listening to 60 Minutes, the sound it horribly distracting.  Anytime someone is talking, there is an terrible hissing sound that goes along with it.  Commercials are even worse (especially ones with music),

It's happening on both my HDTV OTA receivers, so I don't think that's the problem.  And the other stations are just fine, so I don't think it's my audio set up.

Anyone else notice the problem?



I just flipped on WDJT @ 1:25 a.m. on TWC, and I'm hearing the same hissing sound. It's clearly local, as they're playing Farscape right now (not even a HD program, unfortunately).