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Antenna help...

Started by CubanJoe, Wednesday Aug 24, 2005, 11:16:35 PM

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I live in the Germantown area and am a current subscriber to TWC with the HD package. I purchased a 50" Samsung DLP earlier this year. Because I don't watch a LOT of TV, pretty much only the HD channels on TWC and would like to curb my monthly bills - I'm thinking of switching to an HD tuner with an antenna. Before I spend $300+ on a tuner and an antenna, I'd like to possibly be able to test out this config before dropping my cable subsciption. First off, I live in an apartment building so I'd have to get an indoor antenna... I have a cheap Radio Shack antenna (rabbit ears) which gets me most of the local channels when I plug it into the ant1 input jack. Is it possible for me to plug my antenna into my current TWC cable box (Pioneer BD-V3500HD) to test out the HD reception or would I have to purchase an actual HD tuner meant for OTA signals? I guess I would be willing to drop a few hundy on the tuner and an antenna if it came to that... so how about a little advice on what's worked for others as far as INSIDE antennas and HD tuner boxes...


Den Mayer

Too bad your DLP HDTV set does not have a built in QAM cable Digital tuner.

 If you purchase a Samsung Digital T-451 for $250, keep your Cable Service

 to a minimum Analog offering, run an RG-6 Cable from wall to

 back of T-451 Cable Port, do a Standard QAM Cable scan on the T-451, &

 either enter the QAM HD local Channel IDs by favorites or

 manually......   you can have limited local HDTV on a budget.

   using no antenna....    all encrypted Digital channels are unavailable.

   TWC QAM digital channels run from 81.1 to 124.20 and are listed

   on this Forum site for MKE TWC IF you do a search for QAM here.

 Some of the new SONYs have very nice QAM & ASTC built in

  Tuners that find both analog & digital channels via scans.

   And under these conditions there is no Program guide,

    just  non descript  channel Numbers and corner logos.


Sometimes there are good deals in the yard sale section of this forum on used OTA STBs.  Maybe as low as $80 if my memory is correct.  Indoors people have enjoyed much success with the Radio Shack double bow tie or Zenith Silver Sensor.

With cable you won't get 18-1 and that means no Smallville in HD, among other things.


I picked up the USDigital HDTV Receiver on clearance for $60 at Walmart.  Some Walmarts still have them priced around $180 though.  Check the clearance isle of your local Walmart.  Walmart also has a Philips Silver Sensor.  (Not endorsing Walmart in any way)
Drummerboy, Computer & Network Engineer


OK, so I can spend a lot less than $250 on a receiver if I shop around. What am I giving up on a cheaper STB? And QAM - how about a definition in laymans terms so I know what the hell you're talking about  :) . Den - you're saying I can strip down to regular analog TWC and get the local HD channels through a separate receiver. I wonder what TWC charges for their cheapest analog service...

Also, no one answered my question if it's possible to plug an antenna into TWC's STB and test channel reception inside my apartment...

Den Mayer

Joe:     There are two types of Digital tuners IF you omit

     Satellite TV/HD reception.....    That may be/is a 3rd type.

   An ASTC Digital receiver will only pick up OTA (Over the Air antenna)

     digital reception using a UHF antenna (Channels 14 thru 59)...
    A good UHF Antenna is a $25 Channel Master 3021 4 bay bow tie.

   A QAM Cable receiver will only pick up unscrambled digital

      Cable channels like     C81.1 thru C124.20........

    By FCC law, local Digital stations/Program can not be scrambled.

    Plugging a VHF or UHF antenna into a Cable box will NOT Work!!

    Only a few newer Digital Receivers can receive/process both

       OTA Digital TV &  QAM Cable unscrambled Digital TV.

     The Samsung T-451 external Tuner can do one or the other....

    Set it up for OTA scan or for a Std QAM Cable Scan reception.....

    I think QAM stands for Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ???

     Getting HDTV via a digital tuner requires totally different signal processing

       for either OTA HDTV  or Cable HDTV for the same Jay Leno Show.

  The Samsung T-451 digital tuner can be attached to either a UHF Antenna

      or to the cable connection coming out of the wall. The T-451 will only

     'see' digital Programming channels,  it's blind to Analog TV signals.

Den Mayer

A few more of your question I should answer.....

   If you buy an older or cheaper STB (Set Top Box), I'm

   99% sure that it will NOT have QAM cable decoding

   in it.   Cheap STB's only work with an OTA antenna.

     TWC lowest Analog charge is about $20/month.
  That includes both a few local Analog stations, the cable feed,

       & local taxes.


Alright, Den, thanks a lot for answering all of my questions. Everything makes more sense now. I'm thinking I will be buying a refurbished T451 ($150) and an antenna this weekend... and cutting my TWC bill by $60 a month (I'll still keep roadrunner).


Quote from: CubanJoeAlright, Den, thanks a lot for answering all of my questions. Everything makes more sense now. I'm thinking I will be buying a refurbished T451 ($150) and an antenna this weekend... and cutting my TWC bill by $60 a month (I'll still keep roadrunner).

If interested, I still have Voom HD box, great for OTA, remote, like new.
I am planning to put iyt on eBay. Asking $50. PM if interested.
Have Voom installed OTA antenna also, but it is still on the roof, wanted to remove, but just afraid of height. But I will make it eventually. :D
I use now ChanellMaster 4228 in the attic.



Quote from: CubanJoeand cutting my TWC bill by $60 a month (I'll still keep roadrunner).

As long as you are trimming the fat......, maybe you should consider SBC Yahoo's DSL service for $14.95 per month.  Or there was a mention of TDS Metrocom DSL for $9.95 per month.  I can vouch for the SBC Yahoo DSL, but I think you would be the guinea pig for the TDS Metrocom DSL.

Enjoy the extra money each month!


Starving - My job pays for my internet connection, so naturally I prefer TW's speed over DSL's cost savings  ;) . I'm still a little gunshy about dropping cable as the football season is coming up and I'd miss watching Sunday night football in the comfort of my own home... If TWC dropped it's prices $20 a month I'd have no problem paying...  In my future negotiations with TW I have to be willing to go ahead with my threat of cancelling if they do not meet my demands!! And since I'm pretty sure they won't, at least I know how to go about watching some HD content with an HD receiver and antenna. Thanks to everyone.

Den Mayer

I read  "Watching Sunday Night Football"........

  I think it's on ESPN-HD which is not a local TV station,

  is QAM scrambled, & and an extra cost TWC item.......

   Had a good discussion with a GBay TWC cust serv

   guy who confirmed....   that you can get Basic Analog,

   the TW Cable QAM HD STB, & the HD Home Theater

   added HD channel option (includes ESPN-HD) as a

   package....        Where other 'competitors' force the

   SD Digital pack on you for an added price...     After

   you buy your HDTV and are looking for more HD Programming..

       In my book,    ESPN-HD Programming is an item I enjoy..


Den - sometimes your posts are a little unreadable... I usually get what you're trying to say, but the sentences are put together a little differently. I would NOT be able to watch Sunday night football if I get rid of TWC - that was my main concern with dropping it. Your post is interesting though... If what you say is correct, I could get the basic analog for ~$20 and then just add the HD package for ~$7 + monthly HD STB 'rental' fee?? That would be EXACTLY what I'm looking for. On their website it specifically says: "HD Package requires minimum Digital Access Package." as well as: "*Digital Cable required for this service.". This was found here: http://www.timewarnercable.com/milwaukee/products/hdtv.html

I will call this week to confirm...

Den Mayer

From what a knowlageable TWC Cust Rep said from Kimberly 5 days .......

       Basic Analog + HD STB + Home Theater HD Pack is a

       currently TWC OK 'buy package'......

    Kimberly TWC represents both the GBay & Appleton areas.

    He added that some of their competition adds a forced Digital buy too..


After talking to a TWC rep over the phone, I was told that a Basic Analog cable + HD STB + HD Package WAS a viable package - but it would save me only $1... I find that hard to believe, so the next option is to drop cable -  but after the NFL season!!