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I'm on the waiting list

Started by Mike Sura, Monday Mar 08, 2004, 03:55:26 PM

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Mike Sura

I called TW today to inquire about the HD DVR. The gal told me they don't have any yet but wanted to know if she could put me on the waiting list. She said they expect the units to trickle in and if I'm on the list they'll call or email me when my unit arrives. So I signed up. She told me (without my asking) that they should begin arriving at the end of this month. I hope she's right. I asked how many prople were on the list and she said I was third one she added.


I called and got on the list too.  At first the lady told me that they would be out by the end of the Fourth quarter, so I told her to go check on that, so she did and came back and said it should be the next month or 2 and then she took my info and added it to the list!!  Here's hoping it's closer to 1 month!!!

The Law

Good call on the waiting list.  I just did it to.  Again, very helpful Customer Service Experience from TWC.  The CSR was named "Dan" (hope he doesn't mind).  Nice job..and thanks.


I'm on the list too. Maybe I was number one or two as I did it at 2:30pm and I see Mike's post was 3:55pm. They told me that the engineers had two in the workroom testing today. First they would let some of the employees take them home for testing and baring no problems, we could see them at the end of the month.


Waiting lists... what a great idea.  Hopefully since I'm now on it, it will guarantee me a box as soon as they are released.

Anyone know how much recording time will be on these boxes?  Is this going to be the 80GB box that holds about 10 hours of HD programming?


Any idea if TWC requires a digital package to use this box?


TWC requires the digital package to use the the SA 8000, so I can guarantee they will require the digital package to use this. However, they probably won't require you to carry the HD package.. You just probably won't be able to get it with only basic cable to record local HD (which IMHO they should do... THAT could be a satellite killer).


QuoteOriginally posted by borghe
You just probably won't be able to get it with only basic cable to record local HD (which IMHO they should do... THAT could be a satellite killer).

That's all I really want to do.

I think I'll wait for the boxes to become available and then call them up. You never know – maybe I'll get a less-experienced CSR who will let me sign up for it that way.


yeah, I figured that's what you wanted to do.. hell, that's what I would want to do.. :p

Good luck, but don't hold your breath... they make very little money on the basic package... they provide it because federal law requires them to offer a lifeline service. they require the digital package for DVR because the profit on the digital package can offset the cost of providing the DVR.. and an HD DVR costing considerably more than a standard DVR, with no additional revenue aside from "maybe" the $7 HD package, I can't see them letting that go without a digital package subscription... they are going to be taking a bath on these things the way it is at a reported $1200 a pop... at least to start with..


Any news on how the beta tests are going?


Testing started around 2 weeks ago.  Some issues have come up, but the set top is very stable in terms of not rebooting every day.  One repeatable problem I have had is an inability to tune at times.  The problem usually goes away after a few minutes, but it's a definite showstopper to general release.  I'm also bummed that only one HD format can be selected as an output... unlike the SD box that can pass-thru almost anything... but it's still beta code....
On the plus side, picture playback is awesome and the user interface is fast.  We're working hard to find bugs and get the info back to the code writers.  It'll be a great product, coming soon to an HDTV near you!



QuoteOriginally posted by mhz40
I'm also bummed that only one HD format can be selected as an output... unlike the SD box that can pass-thru almost anything... but it's still beta code....

Do you mean that it will only allow 1080i or 720p or 480i/p but not more than one?

Does it have two tuners? Very important so you can watch one show and recored another.

Will it have an active DVI port?


I'm on the list...  Hopefully it will be out before Soprano's ends for the season.  We try to watch it in HD on Sunday nights, but we are so hooked on the DVR that we don't like to sit down right at 8pm.

Oh what to do what to do!  :rolleyes:


Do you mean that it will only allow 1080i or 720p or 480i/p but not more than one? [/B]
In it's current software rev, yes.  You select one output format for all channels. *

Does it have two tuners? [/B]

Will it have an active DVI port? [/B]
It has a DVI port.  I haven't had time to test it yet.

* Keep in mind, all of these observations are based on BETA code.   Please don't pass details I provide here as if that is the way things will be for the final release.  Also, don't leverage any of what your read here during interactions with other TW contacts.  i.e: "MHz on the forum said...  blah blah blah.  And he works for TW."  If that happens, you may end up affecting my ability to update the group.



I always appreciate your candidness in your posts. Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to the release.