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Messages - WITI6fan

Milwaukee HDTV Programming / CBS58 going HD
Thursday Jul 21, 2011, 10:55:00 PM
They could (should) move WMLW to WBME's signal and make it a HD channel there. I think "I Love Lucy" can deal with the slightly lower bandwidth...
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / New set at WDJT
Sunday Jun 05, 2011, 04:06:52 AM
Quote from: trev57;57414WDJT is pathetic, but it just baffles me that anyone at that station can look at that and say "Wow, now that looks good. I'm glad we paid for that."

I doubt these panels will last long (in this configuration, at least). They're extremely distracting and downright creepy.
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / New set at WDJT
Friday Jun 03, 2011, 05:04:25 PM
WDJT appears to have placed giant CBS eye logos behind their anchor desk in the newsroom, and possibly they have a new desk too.

EDIT: Wide shot.
At least NBC brought Brian Williams back (You can read what happened on his blog) and dedicated the first half of last nights Nightly News to the tornadoes.

I was somewhat appalled that CBS and ABC didn't give nearly the amount of coverage that NBC had. I guess we've seen what their real priorities are...
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / WISN 12 News... new set, no HD
Thursday Apr 28, 2011, 03:26:49 PM
Quote from: Nels Harvey;57263I'm sure the planners at Ch. 12, and probably Ch. 58, are doing what they can to engineer the switch to full HD capabilities...

WDJT's production control room is already HD.... Hardly Digital. :D
Speaking of, has anyone seen what Weigel's new news operation is up to? https://www.facebook.com/abc57 has a bunch of pictures. They even have a live truck that is (presumably) HD-capable (and a bunch of stupid internet stream backpacks but that's another story). Hopefully they'll get to WDJT next...
Milwaukee HDTV Technical Issues / TWC Brewers on FSNHD Out
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011, 09:09:24 PM
Quote from: Tivoman44;57250I am assuming it's weather related but about 10 minutes ago 1309 on TWC went to a ton of pixelation and now the channel is not coming in.  Is this widespread for everyone?  I thought TWC was so much better than satellite because it doesn't go out in bad weather.

Well technically the cable didn't go out, you were receiving the black signal they were sending! :D
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / BIG changes coming to WISN
Tuesday Apr 12, 2011, 09:41:16 PM
Quote from: trev57;57243It's funny that even though the anchors said a couple of times that this was only temporary, there are people commenting on WISN's facebook page that they "LOVE" the new set...yes, the crappy UpFront set.

The finest in balsa woods.
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / WISN 12 Weather crawler
Monday Apr 11, 2011, 12:06:37 AM
The map box could stand to be made much smaller, in my opinion...
Milwaukee HDTV Recorders & Players / Copy from DVR to PC
Thursday Mar 10, 2011, 05:31:19 PM
Quote from: LoadStar;57110Or you could get a Tivo, which has built-in TiVo To Go.

Of course, the morons at TWC flag everything transmitted in digital as "copy never" which defeats that feature. You MIGHT be able to transfer broadcast network programming, but that's about it, and even that might not work thanks to TWC.

I've only gotten Firewire recording to work for some of the local channels.

People with other cable systems in other parts of the country say they don't have this problem. I've even heard of some of the premium channels not being flagged.

Milwaukee HDTV Programming / "Return to Titletown"
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011, 04:13:23 PM
TMJ4 is airing the feed that is being produced by WFRV in Green Bay.


Seriously? It's 2011 and this is the best quality they can muster up? At first I thought they were airing archival footage from the LAST Superbowl celebration... or possibly the first...
Quote from: Xizer;56983Were they running these tickers during normal programming? It doesn't count if they only ran them during news programming.

That was my complaint with the Milwaukee affiliates. They raped all programs. I was furious to see the spam ruining V on WISN Tuesday. :/

I think WBBM ran theirs during primetime, but again, they have the smallest closings ticker ever. I also believe WLS at least ran theirs following the extended 10PM news last night.
Quote from: trev57;56981Out of all the stations, WDJT is the first to drop their closings ticker. Wow.

It probably broke. :D

I have some caps of the Chicago stations closings tickers (when they have them up) too.

WBBM has this tiny little ticker! How am I supposed to read this? It's not taking up the lower half of my screen!

WMAQ has this little thing. No "flippers", They didn't even cram an extra line at the bottom to tell you that there are even more closings online!

Okay! Someone at WLS seems to know the Milwaukee-way of making closing graphics, kinda. They're just there and don't really attempt to make them pop off the screen.

Here we go, that's more like it! WGN knows how to do it right. Unfortunately for them, you can't really compare them to a station here because WVTV hasn't had a newscast in years. Sorry, WGN. Better luck next time.

Didn't see WFLD run closings at all. Though that station has been quickly deteriorating. Their late Monday newscast only pulled in 87,500 viewers, compared to the 357,000 that WLS got.
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / TMJ4 Really, Really!!!!!!!!
Thursday Jan 27, 2011, 06:48:01 PM
I found an alternate version!

This would be perfect! They could display constant snow totals and traffic maps/cameras through the entire broadcast! :rof:
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / TMJ4 Really, Really!!!!!!!!
Thursday Jan 27, 2011, 01:28:54 PM
Well, at least TMJ hasn't done something like this yet!

This is the FOX affiliate in Philadelphia. Talk about graphics overload!
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / TMJ4 Really, Really!!!!!!!!
Tuesday Jan 25, 2011, 09:37:39 PM
Quote from: trev57;56926The problem is they're not advertising the broadcast of the game. They're just advertising the local team participating in a big event. They're just going a little overboard with it.

How is this over the top? :D

I still can't believe they've let sports take over John Malan's Doomsday Center/ the weather area. WHAT IF THERE'S TWO INCHES OF SNOWFALL?! They won't be able to pull up snow totals in HD 3D!!!