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Topics - WITI6fan

Milwaukee HDTV Programming / Return of the Closings Ticker
Friday Jan 20, 2012, 05:08:47 PM
It's just not winter unless there's something on the screen telling us that "Hairstyles by Maude" is closed and and Friday Night Bingo is canceled.

There are some big changes this year! New tickers on WTMJ and WDJT, and an updated one on WITI.

WTMJ's ticker is now in HD, and doesn't squish the video anymore. It also no longer has it's own logo so there's not 3 "Today's TMJ4" logos on the screen.


WITI cleaned theirs up, made it smaller, making the inset video larger and allowing the ticker to overlap it slightly.


WDJT has switched to their new HD ticker. The only issue is the map seems to have been pushed out of SD safe areas just so they could slap on a sponsor logo.

WISN has made no changes and everything works the same way as last year.

Will they continue to alert us to the bingo cancellations during primetime? We'll see...
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / WISN calls this "HD"
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012, 03:46:40 PM

I call it "widescreen SD". Seriously?  The bug is the only thing that appears to be in actual HD.

It's kind of sad that WDJT's HD quality is better...
On/Off Topic Chit-Chat / Uverse and Self Install
Saturday Aug 27, 2011, 05:57:40 PM
Does anyone know if Uverse offers self install in this market, and what the kit contains?
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / New set at WDJT
Friday Jun 03, 2011, 05:04:25 PM
WDJT appears to have placed giant CBS eye logos behind their anchor desk in the newsroom, and possibly they have a new desk too.

EDIT: Wide shot.
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / "Return to Titletown"
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011, 04:13:23 PM
TMJ4 is airing the feed that is being produced by WFRV in Green Bay.


Seriously? It's 2011 and this is the best quality they can muster up? At first I thought they were airing archival footage from the LAST Superbowl celebration... or possibly the first...
Their low-power South Bend, Indiana ABC affiliate.


QuoteAt a time when other broadcasters are downsizing or consolidating newsrooms, Weigel Broadcasting is pouring “many millions” into building a multiplatform news operation in the already competitive South Bend, Ind., market (DMA 91), where it owns three TV stations.

QuoteNext steps include hiring at least 25 staffers, turning a newly purchased building into a 21st century news studio (fully HD capable) that can produce content for broadcast, online and mobile applications and compete against three other stations

And here we have WDJT, run out of an old warehouse, barely capable of keeping a signal up during moderate rain, broadcasting news in SD using studio cameras from 1989 and a switcher that's about 15 years past it's prime.

Milwaukee HDTV Programming / Election coverage
Tuesday Nov 02, 2010, 09:27:32 PM
So WDJT is the only station running local returns in SD.

And they're squishing the network picture to run theirs. I know for a fact that CBS specifically asked affiliates not to do this and even explained to them how to cover up the results that were on the network feed just so the picture wasn't squished.

So if you want to complain to CBS about WDJT dropping out of HD, now is the time to do so.
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / Tonight's debate
Friday Oct 08, 2010, 08:23:57 PM
It appears it was produced in 720p, even though MPTV has been able to produce things in 1080i before. Did anyone in other areas see it in 1080i on other stations? Was WTMJ just airing it wrong? Or is MPTV just failing at HD again?

Milwaukee HDTV Programming / 7/22 storm report
Thursday Jul 22, 2010, 09:20:17 PM
If you're coming here wondering, WDJT's transmitter is offline, and they're currently simulcasting on WMLW. Time Warner has picked up WMLW and stuck it in WDJT's channel position until they can get back online. Apparently Uverse users are unaffected.

WVTV and WCGV are both off-air as well. Time Warner has a slide up on these channels as well.
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / The Early Show and WDJT
Tuesday Apr 27, 2010, 12:56:59 AM
Did anyone catch The Early Show this morning to see if A) WDJT ran it in HD and B) whether or not they were using the new HD ticker? CBS stations should have all got the files for the new HD ticker, so if they're not using it and running the show in SD so they can use their crappy old ticker, now is the time to call and complain.
On/Off Topic Chit-Chat / And you think WDJT is bad!
Monday Apr 12, 2010, 06:18:18 PM

TEN subchannels PLUS ten more audio subchannels. That's TWENTY SUBCHANNELS.

Let's hope no one around here tries to do this. :p
Let's start a thread tallying up each Time Warner problem. There seems to be many of them as of late.

Right now, after a good 45 minutes of every channel (save for PEG channels) being frozen, and another 15 minutes of every channel (INCLUDING PEG channels) being static-y and looking bad, most channels seem to be back, BUT ON THE WRONG LINEUP. I live in one of the areas lucky enough to have Chicago locals on cable, and they're all gone. WBBM is now TV Guide, WMAQ is now WDJT, WLS is now WMLW, WGN is now WGN America, and WFLD is just out.

Milwaukee HDTV Programming / WITI prepping for HD?
Thursday Sep 03, 2009, 09:10:40 PM
This afternoon I watched engineers replace one of the cameras on the Studio Webcam part of their site. When looking at the webcam, you'll notice one of them is much smaller than the other two.

If WTMJ's camera-replacement to HD-launch time is any indication, FOX6 in HD could be about a month away! :D

EDIT: Another camera is being swapped out this afternoon.
Milwaukee HDTV Technical Issues / TWC Digital Breakups
Sunday Jul 05, 2009, 04:46:11 PM
Recently any time we tune to a channel transmitted from TWC in a digital format, we experience breakups in both picture and sound that sometimes last a couple seconds. This is happening both on the box and on ClearQAM channels if we plug the cable into the TV directly.

Anyone else having this problem, or is it just us?
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / WDJT (is/was) Off-Air
Friday Jun 19, 2009, 12:25:50 AM
Just passing this along. WDJT is off-air. I was watching, and they lost the network feed around midnight, and then as they were ending a weather break-in the picture froze up and went black.

EDIT: Signal is back up, but they still don't have a stable network feed. Also, WTMJ is feeding the network feed raw!

EDIT EDIT: Back out. Expect this on/off to continue through the storms.
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / Local News in HD Poll
Monday Mar 16, 2009, 10:39:57 PM
I was just wondering...

Would you rather have a local TV station...

Option 1: Launch HD newscasts ASAP, but with only graphics and video shot live in the studio broadcast in HD, everything else would be 4:3 SD. (Similar to WGN in Chicago or WCAU in Philly)


Option 2: Wait until the station can broadcast everything in HD.


Option 3: I don't care about this new fangled "HD" news business.

A step in the right direction...
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / FOX HD problem?
Friday Jan 23, 2009, 07:43:33 PM
Commercials and local spots are airing fine, but the show stays in black WITH audio.

Anyone else having this problem?
Milwaukee HDTV Programming / WTMJ preparing for HD?
Sunday Jan 11, 2009, 06:50:12 PM
Radar is all screwed up and has a new graphic...
On/Off Topic Chit-Chat / 99.1 Wmyx
Friday Oct 31, 2008, 09:17:58 PM


(P.S. To find out what I'm talking about, turn on the radio and tune to WMYX and you'll figure it out.)