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Stupid TV Priorities: Royal Wedding Over Tornado's Tragedy?

Started by Jack 1000, Friday Apr 29, 2011, 03:52:08 AM

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Jack 1000

I generally don't comment about news events,

But I think it is very sad, almost disgusting that our local media news is spending more time covering "William" and "Kate's" wedding than showing the proper respect to those hundreds of people who lost their homes, and many, their lives in the Southern Tornadoes.  

There's just something about this that is not kosher.  This wedding is not even a part of our country, and I am sure that those grieving families would be disgusted that more time is being devoted to wedding nuptials than one of the worst weather tragedies in terms of tornado devastation since April of 1974, according to Net News Sources.

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide

Tom Snyder

I, for one, was happy to have Fox6 Wake Up this morning as an island of sanity in an ocean of royal pomp. Kudos to them for giving us the lone alternative.
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I understand both sides, our country had massive destruction and the media went with a wedding outside our country.

As for country, part of my family comes from or is in, the UK, while I consider myself, born in America, an American (though from Canada originally), so seeing the wedding was a nice departure from the tornado reports, from my focus.

While the fate of the poor people hit by these storms is unclear, the wedding was a sure shot towards a little happiness from our neighbours to the east with some positive news in a sea of sadness, here.

Just my perspective...:)


Here I go again ... He who pays the piper calls the tune.  

I suggest you do a big ad buy with at least one of the locals, and make one condition that you get to choose their programming, or maybe you get a seat on their board.

If that doesn't seem viable, you can cite a public interest and complain to the FCC.

Otherwise, you're just getting what they think is going to attract the most viewers for their advertisers.  

It's not about respect or lack thereof; it's about them showing a profit for stockholders.


At least NBC brought Brian Williams back (You can read what happened on his blog) and dedicated the first half of last nights Nightly News to the tornadoes.

I was somewhat appalled that CBS and ABC didn't give nearly the amount of coverage that NBC had. I guess we've seen what their real priorities are...

Ralph Kramden

Appalled? When is enough, enough? Do you want it aired 24 hours a day? Thank goodness it didn't happen during football season. Would you want it aired instead of the Packer game?



Quote from: Xizer;57293Tragedy? Yeah right.

The south deserved it.

If that was meant as a joke, it was in extremely poor taste.  Over 300 people died in those storms..  If you meant that comment seriously...well..then I don't even know what to say..