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Channel 6 Still Working On Tower/Antenna?

Started by Stanley Kritzik, Thursday Oct 29, 2009, 10:29:33 AM

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Stanley Kritzik

I can tell during the days that Ch 6 tower work is STILL going on, 'cause radio WUWM is operating on reduced power with a lousy signal daytime, even if nearby.  So, some guys must still be up there.  It seems like an awfully long time -- is it affecting Ch 6  TV (which I rarely watch)?  And, does anyone know when they will be done doing whatever?



Quote from: Stanley Kritzik;53817And, does anyone know when they will be done doing whatever?


Judging by the amount of stuff slung about on the site, they have a lot going on there yet.  I am sure the wet weather has delayed them because they've been working some Sundays too.  

As you know, it's practically unavoidable that when the landlord is making improvements, the tenants suffer the most.

Stanley Kritzik

Quote from: ArgMeMatey;53818Judging by the about of stuff slung about on the site, they have a lot going on there yet.  I am sure the wet weather has delayed them because they've been working some Sundays too.  

As you know, it's practically unavoidable that when the landlord is making improvements, the tenants suffer the most.

Just so long as 6.1 is full power HD Sunday afrernoon!

How sweet our victory over whazzisname will be!  "Best team" my a**!  What kind of vengeful children does he think we are, anyway?



It was reported on the news following the World Series game 1 Wednesday night that Fox 6 is operating at full power. They didn't give too many details, or say if there would still be periodic power reductions. Nothing was said about WUWM (does anyone really go below 92 on the radio dial anyway? :) ). They showed some pictures of the new antenna and the tower.


Quote from: troyriley;53820does anyone really go below 92 on the radio dial anyway?  

You mean there are still stations above 92?  I thought XM and Sirius were going to put them out of business, and that somebody would have a stealth plan to auction off the whole right-hand side of the FM dial.

Stanley Kritzik

Quote from: troyriley;53820It was reported on the news following the World Series game 1 Wednesday night that Fox 6 is operating at full power. They didn't give too many details, or say if there would still be periodic power reductions. Nothing was said about WUWM (does anyone really go below 92 on the radio dial anyway? :) ). They showed some pictures of the new antenna and the tower.

Apparently, someone had to screw in one more lightbulb this morning, as WUWM was operating at low power today.  With FOX now at a gazillion watts and 1000 feet in the air, I'd expect my antenna only a few miles away to be toasty warm -- without a heater.  Wait 'till the Democrats hear about this.



Quote from: ArgMeMatey;53822You mean there are still stations above 92?
920?  That's WOKY, right?  And 1250 is WEMP and 1340 is WRIT, ;)


Quote from: Stanley Kritzik;53819Just so long as 6.1 is full power HD Sunday afrernoon!


Full power, sure.  Full HD resolution would be nice for a change too!!!



Quote from: Stanley Kritzik;53817I can tell during the days that Ch 6 tower work is STILL going on, 'cause radio WUWM is operating on reduced power with a lousy signal daytime, even if nearby.  So, some guys must still be up there.  It seems like an awfully long time -- is it affecting Ch 6  TV (which I rarely watch)?  And, does anyone know when they will be done doing whatever?


Umm.. Fox 6 TV has been off the air since June...., it hasn't affected them :)  But per another post: the work is complete and Fox 6 DT is now at full power from their new antenna..  WUWM needs to get out there and crank up the power on their transmitter..

Stanley Kritzik

Quote from: techboywi;53833Umm.. Fox 6 TV has been off the air since June...., it hasn't affected them :)  But per another post: the work is complete and Fox 6 DT is now at full power from their new antenna..  WUWM needs to get out there and crank up the power on their transmitter..

I forget that "6 DT" is really (kind of) 6.1, or 6-1, and old analog 6 is long gone.

But, "6" used to relate to a VHF channel also known as "6".  However, now we have what we call 6.1 and 6.2 on what used to be UHF 33, now 33 D.  10.1 uses 8 D, while 36.1 thru 36.8 use 35 D.  In other words, the old analog whole numbers still being used don't relate to frequency assignments.  So, the question is -- are we going to live forever with "TMJ 4 with chopper zoom" rather than "TMJ 28", etc.?  The numbers we're now using as channel numbers relate to ancient history only.  I think TW uses new numbers for all the local HD channels, while DirecTV uses the old channel numbers.

All this cross-referencing to channels that no longer exist is giving me a headache just thinking about it.  Maybe change the channels to names and let the electronics deal with the numbers?

Stan (aka 9108)


Quote from: Stanley Kritzik;53834All this cross-referencing to channels that no longer exist is giving me a headache just thinking about it.  Maybe change the channels to names and let the electronics deal with the numbers?

You're thinking too logically.  You have to think like a reptile when you're talking about brands, brand recognition and all that crap.  For example WDJT rarely uses their call sign; they call themselves CBS 58.  WTMJ calls themselves TMJ4.  WITI is Fox 6.  And so on.  

I am guessing that a long time ago Frank Magid or one of his contemporaries did some market research and found out stations that identify themselves in some manner referencing their channel number could make more money than those who use the more abstract or outdated call sign.  For example in this day and age WTMJ may want to distance themselves from The Milwaukee Journal without overtly disrespecting the corporate parent.  

So the ATSC committees conceded that virtual channel numbers would live on, with the additional benefit that in the future, if channels need to be physically moved, that will involve simply re-scanning assuming the frequencies aren't too much different.  Kind of like how DNS names can be mapped to any IP address.  

Again, I don't know any of this is fact, so I should be corrected if I am wrong.  And you are right that it adds steps in troubleshooting when there are problems, and makes it impossible for some people to understand until they get the concept of digital data transmission vs. an analog signal.