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Why Faux

Started by Chuck from FOX, Thursday Jun 18, 2009, 04:53:43 PM

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John L

I apologize if the word I used "Faux" was offensive.  I just found the spelling of the word amusing when it was applied here.  I will try not to use that word anymore. You are "Fox 6" as IDed.

I wish you would keep the Doppler 6000 radar on, at least on a sub-channel if not 6-2.

-John L.
Muskego, WI.


Hi Chuck, thank you so much for the transparency.  Just by being here it shows you care. Granted, you're probably not going to make everyone happy, but at least they get to be heard.

I'd also like to give a big thanks for the transparency of your staff.  Vince's coverage of the storm last night via Twitter was a great use of the medium. He more than a lot (except maybe some of the Journal's staff) seem to be really embracing social media as a way to connect with your audience.

I for one would love to see a radar sub channel if it was done right. WTMJ's WeatherPlus (which I know is an NBC thing) is pretty weak.


Just keep Jen Lada on the air and all is good :cool:


Good to hear something (not really much though) from the management of Fox6.
But local Fox6 for me is not existing until it will go HD.
TMJ4HD is always on for me now at 10.:wave:


I like Vince for weather on Fox 6, but I don't watch it because Tmj4 is HD and Fox isn't.

I think one thing that people around here would like is, not using annoying/ugly weather graphics to hype up weather and butcher the picture. If Fox 6 switched to HD and was good about the weather breaks and ect, I'd probably watch.

Matt Heebner

I second the Jen Lada thing too !!


News in HD means nothing to me.  It may look nice on 4 but it's still Channel 4 news.  They jumped the shark quite awhile ago.


Quote from: ddysart;52471I'd also like to give a big thanks for the transparency of your staff.  Vince's coverage of the storm last night via Twitter was a great use of the medium. He more than a lot (except maybe some of the Journal's staff) seem to be really embracing social media as a way to connect with your audience.

I for one would love to see a radar sub channel if it was done right. WTMJ's WeatherPlus (which I know is an NBC thing) is pretty weak.

I'd like to see a Milwaukee equivalent (or better) to what WBAY in Green Bay does with their weather subchannel on 2-2. It's the single reason I've weaned myself off the Weather Channel (beyond NBC completely botching it up with their hammer-to-the-head synergy and gimmicks); it gives the simple weather forecasts to those who just rush out the door, but at the same time includes a whole compliment of maps, almanac data and weather graphics (including a nationwide severe weather map) that completely satisfies everyone's inner weather geek. If Fox 6 could provide that, it might push me to prefer their weather more. I'm one of those who wish for more detailed weather coverage, and WITI does provide that very well for the small amount of time they have during a normal newscast (as having Tom Skilling as a TV6 alumni illustrates to a T).

As it is now, TMJ4+ is acceptable, but definitely built for the 'normal' consumer who doesn't need to know the weather three days from now, and seems to be there just to push people to subscribe to Time Warner and listen to Lake FM.


I'll second (tenth) the vote.  

I used to watch 6, but once TMJ4 went HD, I switched.  

6, 12, 58 .. all look like news for children now.

I'm really surprised the others haven't rushed in, allowing TMJ to soak up all the HD viewers.


Quote from: vegasvic;52492News in HD means nothing to me.  It may look nice on 4 but it's still Channel 4 news.  They jumped the shark quite awhile ago.

I'm with you on that one,

Switching to a station because it's news is in HD is silly.

Might as well say I only watch Ch 12 because Toya Washington is really Hot!

(she is!)  ;) but it's not why I watch 12 news.

Jack 1000


Thanks for registering at our board and keeping us up-to-date on the happenings at FOX 6!

My request would be for FOX 6 to play more movies in HD!  (This applies to all the networks actually)  Many times a movie will be shown on the HD channel, (I have TWC, so it's 506 for Fox 6) and I have to contend with sidebars on the movie, even if it is a fairly recent picture.  I hate sidebars and sometimes have to resort to watching the "Stretched" SD channel equivalent for what is playing.

The more programing in HD, the better!

Thanks for being here!

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide


Quote from: Talos4;52500Switching to a station because it's news is in HD is silly.

Way to hurt the cause.  :mad:


OK, Fox6:

Why the Brewers right now are in SD:mad:, when Chicago WFLD shows the game in HD:D.


Quote from: duncantuna;52506Way to hurt the cause.  :mad:

And that cause is ??

In other words, content means alot less than the wrapping?

Boy, that bubbled headed bleach blond who comes on at 5 sure looks great! Too bad she sounds like a rock!  That's OK, It looks good!  


It' the news, not Art Mann presents.


i just want to say welcome to the site..

 most of us are passionate about HD and TMJ4 does look good

but for me i want to hear good news and fox 6 has that for me

i also want to see good picture quality fox 6 doesn't have that for me (sadly)

i still watch fox 6 but am thinking about switching to tmj4 because of them haveing HD

question: are the fs Wisconsin studios still at witi even though you arent O&O any more

      if that is true would you happen to know about what is going on with not all the games in hd .. if not its ok..

also will your main studio be getting a new set soon it needs it in my mind the wake up set is great but the normal news set is just i dont know sorry to say..

also r things different at the station after the switch from O&O to local tv if so what are some differences..

why didn't fox 6 make its logo vertical when it got the new graphics package

thank you for your time

Kurt Hafferkamp