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TWC Management Should Learn From Comcast!

Started by Jack 1000, Thursday Feb 05, 2009, 05:27:46 PM

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Jack 1000

With so many recent complaints about the lack of proper communication and lack of on-going customer correspondence with regard to new features and services, it seems that Comcast, a competing cable company has a CEO who seems to be on the ball and has a direct e-mail and positive communication productive oversight. Here's a page of information that talks about changes and improvements that he has made with Comcast:


Try to contact Wisconsin Division's Jack Herbert or TWC's head CEO Glenn Britt to provide feedback and respond to customer concerns and improvements. Where are they and why can't they provide some positive customer communications like Comcast is doing, (or at least trying to do?) Some years ago, a Comcast tech was fired for sleeping on a customer's couch while waiting for a box to activate from his office. It seems that things have changed at Comcast and are much better under this leadership. TWC could be like this as well, if only they had leadership that cared and listened to its customers.

I think a lot of times, TWC management is sleeping on the couches! It's too bad, because their Road Runner and Digital Phone are excellent. But their cable TV service seems to be sub-standard and appears to be a nationwide problem. TWC must learn from Comcast to provide better communications training and management for its customers, as well as better qualified technicians and CSR.

The accountability and customer care with positive leadership at TWC, SUCKS!

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide

Stanley Kritzik

I have Comcast at a vacation spot near Denver, Colorado, and the local Comcast office is "interesting".  Doing a box swap, for example, results in the replacement coming off of a stack of obviously refurbished boxes that others didn't want, and the results are sometimes "interesting".  Also, they are doing this annoying time shift between Denver's PBS channel (KRMA) in analog and the digital counterpart.  I don't know if it is KRMA or Comcast.

Also, for what it's worth, a lot of DirecTV customers across the country refer to Comcast as "Comcrap".

Anyway, I think a good test for all providers will come when the analog stations disappear, and everyone has to provide 100% digital.

By the way, DirecTV isn't angelic, either.  Some of their telephone CSRs just read from a script and have no knowledge of real issues, either.  DirecvTV's management is completely silent so far as customer complaints are concerned, too.

So, maybe we're all better off with the devil we know.



Comcast is just as bad and they have their own share of problems.  In defense of TWC...its just that our division is crappy.lol Customer service, and service period varies depending on the location of the franchise/division.