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Navigator Update

Started by wireblsam, Friday Dec 05, 2008, 10:50:41 PM

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Jack 1000

Quote from: kevbeck122;50070So when does ODN get the update?  I'm still on 2.4.x from June.  Reading the AVS forums, it seems others around the country have it.


I was just gonna ask the same question!  My box is MDN with the updated guide.  Does anyone have an OCAP (C-box) with the new Navigator 3 guide?(Different colors than what you had previously.)

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide

Jack 1000

According to the AVS website,

Some cities that are getting the new color Navigator guide along with a feedback form!  TWC-Wisconsin's site does not have a feedback form, but I am going to list a top priority list for Navigator updates.  If anyone e-mails TWC-Wisconsin  or contacts them about Navigator suggestions, this is what I think Navigator should get:

1.) An upgrade that makes closed-captioning work or more consistently work on the boxes regardless of model or division. Special attention should be given to the CC problems of the SA 8300's.

2.) An upgrade that allows for Keyboard Keyword Search recording. (i.e Key Al Pachino, get all movies in the system that he stars in over the next several days-two weeks.)

3.) The ability to create manual recordings with user controlled start/stop times.


PS. You can copy my 3 requests if you want.
Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide


Wow... Those are the only 3 things you want in a Navigator update?????

How about:

1. Software stability!
    1a. My Navigator still has problems at times with HDTV channels which forces me to go to a SDTV channel and back to HDTV to correct.
    1b. Random lockups at times which requires a hard reboot.
2. Fixing the lags in roaming the schedule display.
3. Providing more than one week ahead in the schedule.
4. Better schedule searchability
    4a. Simply searching for all programs of the same name from the schedule.
    4b. Keyword searching as you describe would be a bonus - my ReplayTV has    had that for 5 + years!
5. In the program name keyboard screen, just allow me to arrow to the right or left and wrap to the next space on the keyboard!!
6. How about letting me delete channels that I dont have a subscription for!
7. Now, my latest issue is that Navigator ALWAYS starts up with the REELZ channel! ARGH!

Hopefully they will fix these and more issues before correcting something like CC!!!!

This software must have been written by monkeys (or indians!).

nuf said....

-= SomeHuman =-


Gosh, let's see.

Well, as first request, take a look at what the Passport boxes did, and DO EVERYTHING THEY DID.

Second .. one feature I miss dearly is the ability to quickly find alternative times for a show in the guide.  It's been a while, but IIRC, let's say you were on a show at 8:15, but wanted to watch the whole thing, record the same show in the future, since it's probably on multiple times.

IIRC, you'd hit guide, then "C" .. and it would pop up all the listings of that show.  Presto, you could record a complete copy of what you were watching.  

Now, that's a multiple step process that takes at least 60 seconds.  Guide, B, B, painfully type in the show, select, record.  UGH.

Third .. improve responsiveness.  That damned box falls asleep all the time.  In the morning, it takes a good 60 seconds before it's operating at it's normal response level (which is poor as well!)

Allow recordings (like Passport) on specific days only.  Before, you could say "record this show on Fridays only" .. now, you can't, so can end up with 27 copies of the same program due to repeats (and bad data.)

When in screen saver mode .. if someone hits Play .. don't just pop up the screen, waiting for a new command.  PLAY.

Allow user to schedule hard reboots every night.  Or just do it so we don't have to.  Would improve stability.

So many more...

Jack 1000

Does anyone have any updated information on how Navigator defines a program listed as "New" in the IPG? How long do "new" programs stay as "New" indicated as such in the guide? There used to be a lot of conflicting information about this topic, and was wondering if anybody can clarify this? Has anyone noticed the "New" programs being more reliably marked with the new Navigator color scheme?

One feature that I loved about Passport for their Sports categories was they offered a LIVE sports category. When you selected the LIVE sports category, you could be pretty certain that what you were seeing is live. Navigator has no LIVE SPORTS category. Navigator still likes to mark programing content as "New" often times when it is not.

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide


It seems some shows stay new for at least 48 hours.
I frequently have to kill duplicate recordings of cable shows that rerun such as Psych, Burn Notice, Leverage, etc.


Quote from: klwillis45;50949It seems some shows stay new for at least 48 hours.
I frequently have to kill duplicate recordings of cable shows that rerun such as Psych, Burn Notice, Leverage, etc.

I have Psych and Burn Notice set to record the series, and I have never had duplicates.  One time I had a conflict and Burn Notice didn't record.  But Navigator was smart enough to grab the 2am or whatever next airing of it.


Same here, I have had a conflict and then Navigator actually grabbed the same new show at a later time for recording, even though I hadn't told it to, a nice feature.;)

Jack 1000

Have the C boxes gotten ANT better in the last year? If you have a C box running Navigator, how old is it? Does anyone have the new C-box Samsung DVR's at this time?

For those of you with C-boxes, if you have gotten the new Navigator update that includes the new color scheme, has this helped performance?

Any news from our TWC Milwaukee division as to when the C-boxes will get the Navigator update with new colors?

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide


Quote from: Jack 1000;51022Have the C boxes gotten ANT better in the last year? If you have a C box running Navigator, how old is it? Does anyone have the new C-box Samsung DVR's at this time?

For those of you with C-boxes, if you have gotten the new Navigator update that includes the new color scheme, has this helped performance?

Any news from our TWC Milwaukee division as to when the C-boxes will get the Navigator update with new colors?


I think having the update with the new colors depends on where you live.  My parents live on the NW side of Milwaukee and they have it.  My fiance's parents live in Sussex and they have it.  I live in Hartland and dont haveit.

Jack 1000

Has anyone heard of any new updates or features for the Navigator Program Guide?  According to the AVS forums, Keyword Search is supposed to be next on the list.  I am also hopping for Manual Recording.  Another feature talked about is remote DVR programing.  Longer program descriptions are supposed to be coming later this year.  Hopefully this feature will be integrated with Keyword Search.

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide


Quote from: Danno321;49671My Rosewill eSATA enclosure (with 750GB Seagate drive) is working fine on a SA8300HD with the new Mystro.

Since a recent update,  my eSATA drive now disconnects constantly after a sleep command from the STB.  The drive has to be power cycled and then the STB to reconnect it.  It is a known bug discussed on AVSforum.

Jack 1000

What is our current version for Navigator on the MDN boxes?

Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide


My SA8300HD is running MDN 2.4.1 May 28 2008 (3.9d32).

Jack 1000

Quote from: Danno321;51841My SA8300HD is running MDN 2.4.1 May 28 2008 (3.9d32).


Cisco 9865 DVR with Navigator Guide