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MPS Hikes Property Tax 14%

Started by Danno321, Sunday Oct 26, 2008, 11:21:37 AM

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Matt Heebner

Agreed. It wasn't capitalism that caused this, it is the fact that way too many government controled entities did nothing in the way of regulation of other governmant controled entities. I am all for government keeping their noses out of things, but you can't have them running wild either (NINJA loans anyone ? No Income, No Job, No Assests)

When someone did try and step in to get some sort of regulation, they were accused of being racists, or elitists, etc.


Political correctness will be the death of this Country!  Very shortly we will have more people depending on the government (financially) then we will have people supporting the government (financially) and when that happens you can't stay solvent and you collapse!  We will be finished very soon!

People in this Country are so dumb that they choose not to see that or just can't figure simple math out to see it.  I am afraid that this country will not see 20 more years.  We will become some union of North American with very little power and the EU with the help of a smooth talker will control the world.  What a shame!


We have become the entitlement country.  Nothing but a bunch of Lazy Jacks!


Quote from: tunce;48906We have become the entitlement country.  Nothing but a bunch of Lazy Jacks!

And entitlement to fictitious profits as well!  Moody's/S&P/Fitch committed criminal fraud by rating junk bonds as AAA (same as Uncle Sams bonds!) which enticed investors around the world to buy them.  These credit rating agencies make revenue by charging the bond issuer a fee to rate its bonds.  Get it?


Quote from: Danno321;48910And entitlement to fictitious profits as well!  Moody's/S&P/Fitch committed criminal fraud by rating junk bonds as AAA (same as Uncle Sams bonds!) which enticed investors around the world to buy them.  These credit rating agencies make revenue by charging the bond issuer a fee to rate its bonds.  Get it?

I take it you got burned.  I am sorry but if people would do their homework and find out the model (i.e structure) of the issuer you would have seen through some of the ratings.  Not that I am defending them just people need to be responsible for ALL of their actions!

Hence you are making my point in a round-a-bout way.  Entitlements = No responsibilities!



Look with out profits you have no companies (no incentives to work), with out companies you have no jobs with out jobs you have no cash, with out cash you collapse!

Profits are a necessity for a free society to function.  If you limit it you become socialistically controlled and then you are "social engineering" - sound familiar?

This is Marxism 101!

...Oh and with no companies you have no Government!



Quote from: tunce;48919I take it you got burned.  I am sorry but if people would do their homework and find out the model (i.e structure) of the issuer you would have seen through some of the ratings.  Not that I am defending them just people need to be responsible for ALL of their actions!

Hence you are making my point in a round-a-bout way.  Entitlements = No responsibilities!

No, we all are getting burned now by the government reaching into our pockets to take even more money to send to the people who created the problem.


Do you know which people created the problem?  Not the ones you think!

The Government created the problem by insisting that the banks give home loans to people that do not qualify "code word MINORITIES that have no means of repayment".  If they did not they would not get the "tax breaks" from the Government.  PC at it's finest!

Thank you Clinton for that mess!


Quote from: tunce;48930Do you know which people created the problem?  Not the ones you think!

The Government created the problem by insisting that the banks give home loans to people that do not qualify "code word MINORITIES that have no means of repayment".  If they did not they would not get the "tax breaks" from the Government.  PC at it's finest!

Thank you Clinton for that mess!

AND... by having those unqualified buyers in the market, more upward pressure was put on the market, driving up prices.

In reality, we are all paying twice.  Once for the inflated cost of housing and a second time to cover the losses for those who could not support the mortgages after the ARM expired.

Not that this is the only reason for what's going on... credit cards are maxed-out too, which is another problem looming out there.  Recessions hit every 10 years or so and we are overdue.  It's more than possible that this one will be a bit bigger and longer than the last few due to the combination of things.  Some of us have been through this before.  Buckle-up, hunker down and pay off your debts.  Cash is king.

But what the heck... wars, economic busts, the first African-American president or woman vice-president...  One thing is for sure... we won't be sitting on the front porch in 25 years complaining about how dull our lives have been.


Quote from: mhz40;48935But what the heck... wars, economic busts, the first African-American president or woman vice-president...  One thing is for sure... we won't be sitting on the front porch in 25 years complaining about how dull our lives have been.

LOL  -  That is if we have a Country with a front porch to sit on.


There were also plenty of non-subprime mortgages that were not wise given the person's income.  Check out the graphs here:



I say expand Bradley-Tech, increase enrollment. The herd will thin itself. MPS should be scraped. ALL supervisors , school board members fired. Make them all reapply for there jobs. Taking the same benefits that people who work in the private sector do. Working  for 179 days of actual work. Full pension,no deductible heath care, you have to have killed somebody to get fired. Some people say we need to pay them more so we have good teachers and a good system. Our system sucks, not all but most teachers don't care. kids aren't learning. So hey we need more money.  I have read the is a unemployment rate of I think 52% for black males in the city of Milwaukee. Care to connect the dots. I am guessing the drop out rate is the same if not higher. Why do poor country's with poor kids kick our buts in school? But MPS needs more money. I would love to work at a job I can stink at and be able to vote myself a raise, gotta love this country. Funny thing is Milwaukee county residents just bend over. Not me I moved.{fart}

Dick Nitelinger

Quote from: Matt Heebner;48886Socialism = suckling of the government teet.

Socialism doesn't work,and never will. Unfortunatly I think we are going to see exactly this for the next four years.....
And thank GOD I don't live in MPS system !!!!

"Wouldn't it be great to spread the wealth around"

:( :huh?:

Well the City of Milwaukee did pretty well under Emil Seidel, Dan Hoan and Frank Zeidler in the last century. Clean government, improved infrastructure, clean water, a world-class park system. Ultimately the city became debt-free -- until private interests forced it to borrow money for capital expenditures.

Generalizations are easy to make. The term "socialism" covers a broad spectrum. True, theoretical socialism won't fly under the U.S. and Wisconsin constitutions. We did do pretty well though under our "sewer socialists."

- Dick :OnAir: