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Time for a Report Card?

Started by Tom Snyder, Sunday Aug 11, 2002, 01:40:00 PM

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Tom Snyder

It's more than 3 months past the May 1 HDTV deadline has come and gone. Is it time for report card (or at least a progress report)?

Here's mine:

CBS58 - A  

Nothing wrong with an A, but, they'd get an A+ if they were at full power, but with their pre deadline launch, Jim Hall's proactive, helpful communications with his viewers and his HDNet experiment, they're about as good as it gets.

TMJ4 - A
Another deadline beater, a victim of NBC's lack of content, but I guess that's not their fault, still not on 24/7, but on the air most of the hours it counts.

WMVS10 - D

Beat the deadline by at least a year, and looked like the hands down front runner... switched to Multicasting and are pretty much a current HDTV MIA. Boradcasts an occasional HD Network show, but usually without warning or any kind of schedule.

WISN - Incomplete
WITI - Incomplete
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org

Matt Heebner

I'll throw my two cents in.

Most content, and a station manager that actually cares about the state of HD in Milwaukee. Looks like some real good new shows this fall, and I believe all are in HD. Only complaint (nothing can be done on a local level) is they should have NFL in HD.

Another manager that is involved with the local HD community! Not much for content...yet. This fall will be a major improvement with NBC promising all new shows to be HD. Olympics was a major thumbs-up even with the minor video problems. Needs to go full time!

Multi-casting is evil! It wouldn't be such a major deal if they would follow the national HD schedule, but it's hit or miss if any HD programming will be on. When the second PBS goes live digitally in 2003, does that mean 10 channels of multi-casting ???

The only thing more evil than multi-casting is broadcasting such a signal so weak, I cant get it 9 miles away. I will give them a smidgen of credit for making the deadline, but I would technically consider them not on the air. Also the whole 480p enhanced widescreen thing has got to go. Total marketing hype! I figure they eventually will have no choice but to go HD.

I disagree with Tom about being incomplete. Five years of knowing about this deadline, and they missed it completely and knowingly. To me that is failure. Not having Monday Night Football in HD....very, very bad.

All other lower power stations: WB18, UPN24, etc.---incomplete.
I never figured these stations to go live digitally any time soon. To me though, thats okay because I cant remember ever watching a show on these stations.



QuoteOriginally posted by Matt Heebner:
Multi-casting is evil! It wouldn't be such a major deal if they would follow the national HD schedule, but it's hit or miss if any HD programming will be on. When the second PBS goes live digitally in 2003, does that mean 10 channels of multi-casting ???

According to the MPTV Engineer channel 35 will be HDTV as much as possible when it goes on air next year.  It seems that their master plan is to leave the current one multicasting and the other one HD.  With this information I would upgrade their grade to a D+.  If they were doing HD now and multicasting with the new channel they would have gotten an A in my book.  They are also SURE that people are watching their multicasts and seem pretty sure that it is only a vocal minority within this group that does not like it.  I would love to know who this is that is watching.  I would say please let them know what you think... whatever your preference is.

[This message has been edited by RobbQ (edited 08-11-2002).]

Steve Mann

QuoteOriginally posted by Matt Heebner:
I'll throw my two cents in.

All other lower power stations: WB18, UPN24, etc.---incomplete.
I never figured these stations to go live digitally any time soon. To me though, thats okay because I cant remember ever watching a show on these stations.

HUH?? You must not be a Star Trek fan or a Smallville fan.  

Steve M. Mann
Panasonic AX200U Projector
Carada 126" 16:9 Fixed Screen
1 - HR20-100 DirecTV HD PVR
1 - HR24-500 DirecTV HD PVR
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Theater Construction Album


QuoteOriginally posted by Steve Mann:
HUH?? You must not be a Star Trek fan or a Smallville fan.    

I don't know about him but I'll continue to watch those off of the dish superstations until our stations get their butt in gear  

I haven't watched the local WB or UPN in years.  People I know are always complaining about how they miss Enterprise because they are showing basketball so I am glad that I don't have to depend on the locals.  I hope something comes along to improve the picture quality of Enterprise, zoom that picture to full screen and it looks awful.


Smallville fan, an emphatic YES!!! Star Trek......... I'm still trying to develop an opinion on Enterprise.. Right off the bat I have to ask.. WHY IS EVERY EPISODE UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY DARK LIKE IT'S SHOT IN A CAVE!!! Hardly conducive to those of us with RPTVs.  


Just because I can be picky:

58 = A-: for multi-casting. I don't have any other CBS channel to do an A/B comparison, but judging from the slightly muted look of HDNet vs. DirecTV, I can only wonder how much better a full 19.4Mbps of primetime content would look.

4 = A-: not 24/7 but on when it counts. I won't hold network content against them at all as it's obviously out of their hands.

10 = D: Torn on this one. On one hand they are providing enhanced services. On the other hand there is nothing compelling for me to watch. They would actually get at least a B from me if they would ever JUST LET US KNOW WHEN HD SHOWS WERE ON!!! Most of the markdown is the fact that their programming schedule and HD pass-thru is really a crapshoot.

6 = D-: I can't give them an F because they are not in violation of FCC rulings, so I'll give them the next lowest grade.

12, 18, and 24 I will leave at incomplete also. As much as you want to hate 12 and as disrespectful as they are to the community in this regards, they are still doing everything by the book and have all of their papers filed with the FCC. It's simply been a matter of doing things their way, and unfortunately their are FCC provisions that allow for this. As for 18 and 24, well... I guess we are just unlucky in Milwaukee to end up with Sinclair stations. Most Sinclair stations outside the Top 30 markets are not powered up yet, so don't take it personal.  


You people are way to generous with your grades...  I'm sorry, that's not fair of me...  You don't have the advantage that I have...
Madison HDTV - A+

Joseph S

CBS - A- (Multicast)
NBC _ A- (Off time)
PBS - D (Next to no HD)
ABC/Fox - F-    
Others - incomplete

You know what is enough to make you sick. Here is the report at Titan TV for my parents reception in the Boston suburbs.

Stations Already Available: (9)

Stations listed as testing or by 11/02: (17 more)    
1 more ABC (3 total)
1 more CBS (2 total)
1 DAY (??)
1 more FOX (2 total)
1 more NBC (2 total)
4 PAX (4 total)
2 more PBS (5 total)
1 more UNI (2 total)
2 UPN (2 total)
1 WB

If that isn't enough to make ATT cable  and others worry, I don't know what is.
26 glorious stations in HD.    

[This message has been edited by Joseph S (edited 08-12-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Joseph S (edited 08-12-2002).]

Kevin Arnold

OK, Here's my 2 cents. And as an added bonus I'll run it side by side with Madison DTV:

WDJT 58-46 - "A+"  Agressive and interested in HD programming. Showing some HDNet which no one else is doing. Any negative from multicasting and low power offset by innovative programming. Counterpart in Madison WISC is multicasting 2 channels but is at full power. Stretch screen upconverts annoying.

WTMJ -4-28- "A-" Higher power but a part time station. Hampered by NBC's weak HD lineup. They were the first commercial station on in the area. Could do more if motivated. Counterpart in Madison is 15-19. On 24 hours with almost full power but againg that damn stretch screen.

WMVS 10-8 "D-" After a dazzeling early start they are mired in multicasting. Claim to do it because of viewer demand. I wonder who the hell they are? Disorganized management is clueless as to how to inform viewers when HD is actually on. Riding on their laurels and they don't have many. Madison counterpart WHA 20 runs full power and has HD content a majority of the time even if it is a loop. Makes WMVS look like the Freshmen are in charge.

WITI-6-33 - "F" May be in technical complience but lack of candor and even basic viewer communication combined with pathetic parody of a DT signal leave them worse off than if they hadn't complied. Madison counterpart WMSN 47-11 not on air yet but actually has antenna on tower longer than 200 feet. A Sinclair station so jury's out.

WISN 12-31 "Incomplete but almost an F" Despite 5 years lead time showed bush league about meeting deadline. Poor communication skills and poor work habits. Madison counterpart WKOW 26 is primo for Wisconsin. On early and in full power, they have the full ABC lineup. Only negative is that damn stretch business.

WVTV, WCGV - Not in the same grade with the rest of the class. Hampered by disinterested parents and no local presence. Count on them to run infomercial channels via multicasting.

Teacher is concerned that other smaller schools have bested, beaten and embarassed this class. Schools such as Madison DT and Green Bay DT have done much more with less.

[This message has been edited by kjarnold (edited 08-12-2002).]
Kevin Arnold

Steve Mann

QuoteOriginally posted by borghe:
Smallville fan, an emphatic YES!!! Star Trek......... I'm still trying to develop an opinion on Enterprise.. Right off the bat I have to ask.. WHY IS EVERY EPISODE UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY DARK LIKE IT'S SHOT IN A CAVE!!! Hardly conducive to those of us with RPTVs.  

I agree with you and Rob the PQ on Enterprise. I've been complaining about it from the beginning. It could certainly stand some improvement. It's extremely hard to watch at times.

DirecTV doesn't have these shows on anything but the Local UPN and WB stations. As for missing them because of sporting events, that's where my Tivo saves the day as they usually repeat the show on a later date/time.

Okay.. enough dragging this thread off-topic.

Steve M. Mann
Panasonic AX200U Projector
Carada 126" 16:9 Fixed Screen
1 - HR20-100 DirecTV HD PVR
1 - HR24-500 DirecTV HD PVR
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