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WVTV Saturday Night at The Movies Lives Again!

Started by Gamera, Saturday Oct 06, 2007, 10:46:01 PM

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A couple years ago I began searching the web for any news or video of the old WVTV Saturday Night at The Movies intro.  All I found was mention of it in this thread and a description of it on Dick Nitelinger's site.  I'd periodically check Dick's site for any updates until one day I noticed he had uploaded a still from the old intro.  That was inspiration enough to try and recreate the intro the best I could from memory, with an HD update for a new generation to enjoy.

Just in time for Halloween!

Dick Nitelinger

Quote from: Gamera;41303A couple years ago I began searching the web for any news or video of the old WVTV Saturday Night at The Movies intro.  All I found was mention of it in this thread and a description of it on Dick Nitelinger's site.  I'd periodically check Dick's site for any updates until one day I noticed he had uploaded a still from the old intro.  That was inspiration enough to try and recreate the intro the best I could from memory, with an HD update for a new generation to enjoy.

Just in time for Halloween!

Thanks for your kind words. I found the pictures of "Shirley" while going through some old WVTV historical materials at the station as a part of the research for my Milwaukee TV history book.

That said, while I love what you've done, the notice at the bottom of every page on my site applies. The pic you used belongs to WVTV. I've used it with their permission. Unless you have permission, you really shouldn't be using it.

- Dick :OnAir:


Quote from: Dick Nitelinger;41304The pic you used belongs to WVTV. I've used it with their permission. Unless you have permission, you really shouldn't be using it.

While it's obviously based on what WVTV created many, many years ago this is a complete 3D recreation done by myself inspired by a WVTV that no longer exists in the form it once was.  In fact if it weren't for the image you posted and this recreation it may have been forgotten forever.  I'm no lawyer but I think it would be akin to drawing a picture of a '57 Chevy.  I didn't create the original Chevy design either but there's nothing wrong with drawing a picture of it and posting that.  It's offered as a completely free download and I expect to gain nothing from it other than the satisfaction of seeing it once again.  If there's anyone left at WVTV that would claim ownership of this image and feels I've violated any copyright laws I'd be happy to discuss it with them.  And in the spirit of remembering and sharing it, they are welcome to offer it as a free download from their site.


Unfortunately WVTV is still WVTV. The WVTV that existed many years ago still remains (which is why we still have the pictures). Several employees from the "old" WVTV are still in the building. What form of WVTV are you interested in? We really haven't changed much.

Dick Nitelinger

Quote from: Gamera;41306While it's obviously based on what WVTV created many, many years ago this is a complete 3D recreation done by myself inspired by a WVTV that no longer exists in the form it once was.  In fact if it weren't for the image you posted and this recreation it may have been forgotten forever.  I'm no lawyer but I think it would be akin to drawing a picture of a '57 Chevy.  I didn't create the original Chevy design either but there's nothing wrong with drawing a picture of it and posting that.  It's offered as a completely free download and I expect to gain nothing from it other than the satisfaction of seeing it once again.  If there's anyone left at WVTV that would claim ownership of this image and feels I've violated any copyright laws I'd be happy to discuss it with them.  And in the spirit of remembering and sharing it, they are welcome to offer it as a free download from their site.

The fact that you're offering the download free and don't hope to gain anything is irrelevant. Neither is the fact that most of the staff and management of the station have turned over since the photos were taken. (There is one person there who goes back to the independent WXIX days.)

I have no idea if you COMPLETELY redrew the image or not. I don't know that anyone at the station would care. The fact remains that you decided to ask forgiveness rather than permission. I ask permission, which is why I've been granted access to a lot of images and am able to share them. In fact, a manager at one station once told me that: "We know you and trust you. You've always respected our copyrights."

It's a simple matter to call or email the station and ask before posting anything. They may love what you did (as I do), and then you'll have their blessing as well!

- Dick :OnAir:


Sorry if I've stepped on anyone's toes here, that certainly wasn't my intention.  I merely wanted to share a fond local memory with some folks I thought might remember it.  As for the animation, it was completely created from scratch as this behind-the-scenes image demonstrates.  And again I apologize if I've bypassed some protocol here but the fact is I didn't ask for permission nor am I asking for forgiveness nor do I think it's necessary.  Again, I'm no lawyer but the way I see it and the way it's offered is a piece of art inspired by that classic intro.  In the same way as a cover band plays songs by another artist and doesn't get permission from the original band. It's NOT the actual film nor does it contain any actual content of that exact image you posted.   It's respectful of WVTV and a tribute to what they created and inspired so many years ago.

Quote from: Jimboy;41314What form of WVTV are you interested in?

Thanks, Jimboy.  At the moment, an email contact of someone that can approve it so everyone can download it without a guilty conscious would be appreciated.


Quote from: Gamera;41319Sorry if I've stepped on anyone's toes here, that certainly wasn't my intention.  I merely wanted to share a fond local memory with some folks I thought might remember it.  As for the animation, it was completely created from scratch as this behind-the-scenes image demonstrates.  And again I apologize if I've bypassed some protocol here but the fact is I didn't ask for permission nor am I asking for forgiveness nor do I think it's necessary.  Again, I'm no lawyer but the way I see it and the way it's offered is a piece of art inspired by that classic intro.  In the same way as a cover band plays songs by another artist and doesn't get permission from the original band. It's NOT the actual film nor does it contain any actual content of that exact image you posted.   It's respectful of WVTV and a tribute to what they created and inspired so many years ago.

Thanks, Jimboy.  At the moment, an email contact of someone that can approve it so everyone can download it without a guilty conscious would be appreciated.

Your best bet is to go to this website http://thattvwebsite.com/station_info/contact.shtml
and contact Programming & Promotions.

FYI...The cube (logo) in the picture is copyrighted. And you suggest to others to download it as well.
"Download it and add the intro to your own classic horror movies you burn to DVD."
Personally I don't have an issue with what you're doing but I can't speak for the station.

I would guess you wouldn't have a problem if someone took something off of your website and used it for their personal gain either.  :rolleyes:


Quote from: Jimboy;41330I would guess you wouldn't have a problem if someone took something off of your website and used it for their personal gain either.  :rolleyes:

Thanks for the info.  Although I fail to see what I'm gaining by this.



Quote from: Jimboy;41314Unfortunately WVTV is still WVTV. The WVTV that existed many years ago still remains (which is why we still have the pictures). Several employees from the "old" WVTV are still in the building. What form of WVTV are you interested in? We really haven't changed much.

I miss the old Super 18 1987-1998 days. Plus, I think the CW sucks, and the That TV Website thing is just lame... and makes for one ugly color scheme. Ah, for the days of quality independents. I hope MyNet is put out of it's low-ratings misery soon so at least WCGV will be independent again.

Dick Nitelinger

Quote from: Gamera;41319In the same way as a cover band plays songs by another artist and doesn't get permission from the original band. It's NOT the actual film nor does it contain any actual content of that exact image you posted.   It's respectful of WVTV and a tribute to what they created and inspired so many years ago.

I don't think anyone would argue with you that it isn't respectful. It certainly shows that you were a fan of that show!

While it's true that you need not ask permission to cover a song, doing so means that the person who owns the rights is entitled to charge you a royalty. Practically, that doesn't always happen, and ASCAP and BMI collect blanket license fees from broadcast stations, production houses, networks, performance venues, etc. (The latter includes bars and restaurants playing CDs, etc. Juke box companies pay the fees.)

Asking permission is, at a minimum, a courtesy, and can help keep you out of trouble with the copyright holder. A you've heard, the cube is copyrighted.

All of that said: As I recall (and other stills from the segment shoot seem to confirm) that "Shirley" crawled UP the book from about 2/3 of the way down on the left (where it left the hand of its zoo keeper/handler), to the upper right corner.

You have no way of seeing it, as the pic on my site is cropped, but there is a lit candle at the lower left as well as a substantial amount of rope to the left of the book. (That still was a stationary shot, and was one of the graphics used at commercial breaks. It is NOT the end of the spider's crawl, that opened the show.)

- Dick :OnAir: