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Need an OTA Antenna-Help

Started by carpdiem, Saturday Sep 15, 2007, 07:35:19 AM

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I'm new to this forum and hoping for some recommendation from you experts.  

I just bought my first HD-TV Samsung LN-T4061f along with Terk antenna.  Currently the antenna is on top of the entertainment cabinet.  I get horrible reception from the Milwaukee stations and anything else I might pick up.  I've got all the coax and was going to put this amplified antenna up in the attic.  Is that going to make a huge difference or am I just kidding myself?  I don't want to start fishing wire if it's going to do no good.  

I have directtv today, but don't want to sign up for HD for 2 years as I'm waiting for Uverse.

Anybody have any advice for what to do?  Return and buy something new?  I live in a 2 story colonial with aluminum siding.  I've got about 6-8' in the attic at the peak with the access panel being about 5' long by 2.5-3' wide.



Knowing your location would help.


Instead of fishing wire, just bring the wire in through the access panel with you to test out the antenna.  If it is a lot better in the attic, then fish the wire.

A lot of us have enjoyed success with the Channel Master 8-Bow antenna.  I guess it depends how far away you live, if you need to go to that extreme.  I have mine in the attic.

However certain types of roofing and construction will make it not viable.

I have heard of others mounting theirs in the attic of their garage too.

Good luck.


The aluminum siding will most likely act as a shield, and interfere with any type of broadcast signals.

You may want to try setting the antenna in a window. A window that faces the antenna farm on Capito; drive is what is needed. I used to live in an old mobile home that had an aluminum exterior. I could not even get decent FM reception.

Temporarily set the antenna outside, and I bet your reception will increase dramatically.



Location is Cedarburg just NW of the Fair Grounds.  If the aluminum siding is the culprit would putting it in the attic help then as it wouldn't block the signal?


Have you checked to see what you need? I'm not sure if you can get good reception in Cedarburg with an indoor antenna.

There usually would be siding on the gable ends of the house. Depending on the direction of the towers in relation to your house, it still could interfere.

Still, before you spend any more money, try it in the attic and out side, or even in a south facing window.


For about five years until I finally put a CM4228 in the attic, I was using the Zenith Silver Sensor in my attic from Waterford.  Since then, I believe Terk has bought the design because they seem to be identical.  I was not able to get one channel from the entertainment center in the basement, or first floor, so I moved it to the attic.  I was able to get everything perfectly fine with the exception of 18-1.  Now that i decided to put some money into the setup, the Channel Master pulls everything.  It is always worth the try unless the fishing part is to difficult of a run.  You can always just run a long lead up through the attic door just to try it.

As a side note, are you dodging D* HD feed because lack of equipment, price, or just dissatisfaction with their service?


Well, I fished the wire through and old abandoned hole from the basement to the garage and it worked much better for some channels and worse for others.  The only one's I really want are 4, 6, & 12.  I stood outside and tried moving it a bit in either direction with no improvement.  I climbed a ladder outside and did the same thing.  Still no good. I repeated up in the rafters and although at times I received a good signal a majority of the time there was a lot of pixcelation with the exception of 4.  Channel 6 was snowy and Channel 12 was non-existent (where when above the set I was occasionally able to get it.  Putting the antenna in the attic would give me about another 6-10', but at this point I'm wondering if it's the antenna?

I'm thinking of returning the unit and just not taking advantage of HD till AT&T starts pair bonding.


Get a real (outdoor) antenna. A Channel Master 4228 would be your best bet. It's a one time investment for free HDTV. Also great to have when you have outages with whatever pay per month service you hook up with.

Channelmaster 4221
Channelmaster 4228

Interesting how channel 6 was snowy. With digital you either get a picture or you don't, or it's full of breakups. Snowy would would refer to analog reception. Chances are your set has an analog & digital tuner built in and has tried to pick up both.


Getting  a real antenna would be my first suggestion.

Just about anything that has "terK" printed on it is pretty much snake oil and useless. (there are exceptions but, very few my friend)

I'd go with one of the ones highlighted above and get it on the roof.

You're going to spend more time, money and aggravation trying to get a substandard set up to work as opposed to taking some of the advise you're going to get here.


Ok, So it sounds like the larger antenna is what I need.  I really don't want to put anything on my roof if I can help it.  I saw one of the recommended antenna's for $50 from a gentleman in Franklin.  That sounds like a good deal but being new to this whole over the air stuff I just don't know?    Would this antenna fit trough a 5' X 3' opening into the attic or would  it be better to mount it in the garage  (approx. 6-8' lower than the attic (since the wiring is already there).   I'm really thinking that if I can return this Terk one that I'll take that money and buy the $50 one with the hopes that it will work better and that I could mount it in the garage or attic on the existing rafter frame work some how.

Thanks for all the help and advice.  I really appreciate it.