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U-Verse Officially Available in Milwaukee.

Started by Bebop, Wednesday Feb 28, 2007, 01:48:49 AM

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I looked and looked and could not find a phone number anywhere on the u-verse site for a phone number to call..

I wanted to check if it was available for me in my area (Bayside), and I didnt trust the online availability check to be up-to-date since it was just made available today...

So I just called AT&Ts general 800 number and got an operator who had no clue and tried to sell me AT&T DSL service and long distance service, but I did get out of her a phone number:


So I called that number and got someone up in Appleton who knew where I was calling from and was able to check...  But it is not available in Bayside yet...  He was not able to give me a firm date of course, but seemed confident that it would be available to me soon...

Anyhow, he told me that he would put me in the system and that I would be getting a call when it would be made available to me....


The AT&T business card I got says 1-877-827-5288 (1-877-U-ASK-ATT).

Hope this helps someone!:wave:


Even though I mentioned above that U-Verse isn't right for me at this time, I hope they come on like gangbusters in the area.  They *are* offering a lot of HD right out of the box.  

Competition is a good thing. :)


Quote from: Bluto;38092Even though I mentioned above that U-Verse isn't right for me at this time, I hope they come on like gangbusters in the area.  They *are* offering a lot of HD right out of the box.  

Competition is a good thing. :)

I share your sentiments.  U-Verse simply isn't a good enough deal for me to switch from TWC right now (where I have all-in-one) but a decent competitor will hopefully wake TWC up a bit.  Bring it on AT&T :rock:


Quote from: gparris;38083The standard 1 HD channel per household service item is correct, but you have got to remember that not everyone has HDTVs or if they do, they just watch them on-the-fly, no recordings.
Although HD DVRs were installed, he said that the customers loved them and were taught how to use them, too and the 1 HD stream was not a problem for them.

Man, this sucks.

How can it not be a problem for them?  You can record a show while watching another, but if they both happen to be in HD (likely), you can only watch one and record the other in SD?  

Whats the point of their HD-DVR then?  It should be called an HD/SD-DVR and fully explain that to noobs who are just jumping on the HD train...

1 HD stream is a severe limiting factor for me.  When they get that "fixed", then I'll take them more seriously.


But... but... I don't understand. I thought U-Verse was the ultimate, based on the orgasmic reaction some users have to the fact that they were coming!

Tongue firmly in cheek, in case you hadn't realized.

By this point, I'm sick to death of hearing about U-Verse. Yes, I realize, people want an alternative to TWC - but I want a _usable_ alternative. Limitations on HD streams, particularly a limit of 1, means U-Verse is not a functional alternative.  I'm recording two HD streams concurrently all the time, and I'd be recording more concurrent programs if I wanted to spend the money for a second HD recorder.


Quote from: LoadStar;38099But... but... I don't understand. I thought U-Verse was the ultimate, based on the orgasmic reaction some users have to the fact that they were coming!

Tongue firmly in cheek, in case you hadn't realized.

The "ultimate orgasmic reaction" was more entrenched in the idea of an alternative, ANY alternative, to Time Warner Cable.  It seems, as I agree with you, that U-Verse is not a viable alternative to anyone who is serious about HDTV.

All I want is Time Warner to do for us what is EASILY within their grasp to do.


It seems U-Verse may not have enough "oomf" to get TWC to do anything to get "more competitive".







This U-Verse thing will crash and burn, and be gone within 2 years. This is not real competition for TWC.


Quote from: PaulKTF;38105This U-Verse thing will crash and burn, and be gone within 2 years. This is not real competition for TWC.

If they make it so you can have mulitple HD feeds coming into the home and usable at the same time, it will thrive.  As far as I can tell, that is the only limiting factor holding me back from switching when I can.


Quote from: gparris;38085The AT&T business card I got says 1-877-827-5288 (1-877-U-ASK-ATT).

Hope this helps someone!:wave:

in West Allis, as of this date.............


Quote from: Mikey;38108If they make it so you can have mulitple HD feeds coming into the home and usable at the same time, it will thrive.  As far as I can tell, that is the only limiting factor holding me back from switching when I can.

I questioned that 1 HD channel per premises and the installer told me that the situation had been rectified in the Texas locations, including the all-fiber, newly-installed areas like Pabst Farms, so more than one HD channel per premises was available in these locations.
Now, he could have been wrong, but I have read that it is possible for those with more than one HDTV or needing to record or watch 2 or more HD streams at a time, but FTTP has to be installed instead instead of FTTN.
IMHO, if the situation arises, at least for the future, that fiber has to be sent from the node to the premises, too, instead of copper, the customer will get it. Most customers aren't like us forum members, heavy-duty HDTV users, but when the customer is like us, they'll get fiber in future installations.
It would be more cost-efficient, IMO, to fiber by requirements or needs of the subscriber than do everyone, including the SD-only first installs.


I guess I will have to choose between having more HD channels, and being able to record 2 HD channels at the same time....

Its a sucky choice to make, but if I had to choose I guess I would take the expanded HD lineup, over the ability to record 2 HD streams at once...

Personally, Im sick of paying upwards of 100 dollars a month for the handful of HD channels provided by TWC...  These are the only channels I watch, and I couldn't care less about the SD channels at all, since I never watch those at all (I am spoiled by HD)...

I'm sick of waiting around for TWC to add more HD channels...  I'm sick of watching the badgers play on ESPN-2 in SD analog....

So, given the choice, I will choose U-verse for the expanded HD lineup..  

I still think its really sad, though, that u-verse is being implemented this way....  There is no way that the service will be viable for them for more than a few years if it truly only supports more than 1 HD stream, not very future proof at all....

Maybe U-verse will figure out how to provide more HD streams, or TWC may figure out how to add more HD channels...  

I wonder which will beat the other to the punch first?


I gave a call to the number that gparris posted above to verify if it is available in my area (Town of Brookfield).  I was wondering if maybe the website isn't updated - but the lady I spoke to verified that it was not available yet it my area but said it is in some places close to me.  They had no information as to when it would be available to me.

But she did tell me a lot of good information.  Including they do NOT require that you get their phone service along with this.  Also they don't have contracts - you can go month to month and cancel at anytime.  And here is what I was really excited about - I asked about the 1 HD stream at a time.  She said she didn't know and had to go ask someone.  She returned and said there are no problems with watching or recording 2 concurrent HD feeds!  I'd be interested to see if anyone else has any information to back this up...


hormy_83...I also live in the Town of Brookfield and am curious if the service will arrive soon.  But I have not seen any of the infamous VRAD boxes anywhere.



Quote from: hormy_83;38132I gave a call to the number that gparris posted above to verify if it is available in my area (Town of Brookfield).  I was wondering if maybe the website isn't updated - but the lady I spoke to verified that it was not available yet it my area but said it is in some places close to me.  They had no information as to when it would be available to me.

She returned and said there are no problems with watching or recording 2 concurrent HD feeds!  I'd be interested to see if anyone else has any information to back this up...

It is available where I live in Wauwatosa and I placed the order today.  You get 4 streams, one of which is HD, delivered via fiber optic cable.  You can record 3 shows and watch something else at the same time if no other streams are being used in your household.  However, at this time, only 1 HD.  She expected that to change soon.  Soon you will also be able to watch any DVR'd show on any of your tv's.

I ordered the U400 package (no internet or phone service, either).  $99/month, first two months free.  Add $5 for a fourth box (first 3 are included), $10 for HD (first 2 months free), and I end up paying $114 per month for all of their channels except the spanish package and Playboy.  Reasonable, since that is less than what I'm paying now with TWC and I don't get all of their channels.

I like the 2 months free, as it gives me room to hang on to TWC for a month or so to see if the service is as good as I hope it is.