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Can you suggest an antenna?

Started by GGalewski, Thursday Nov 02, 2006, 12:54:08 PM

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I live in the Hales Corners area.  I am currently using a powered Radio Shack DA-5200  antenna that I have suspended upside-down under the eaves on the North side of our house.  I can't seem to get a solid signal across the whole range of OTA stations.  With the antenna pointing one way, I get a pretty good signal on the MPTV stations and 58, but 4, 12, 6 etc break up and pixelate frequently.  If I move the antenna a bit, I can get a more reliable picture on 12, but 10, 36, and 58 break up.

Do I need a different antenna?  Can anyone suggest a better alternative to what I have, or is there something else going on?  

I have a Samsung tuner.


It depends on what you have room for antenna-wise.  I tried that Radio Shack antenna, but had the same problem -- you have to aim it for a specific channel.  If you can do an attic, or better yet, a roof install, you should have no trouble at all getting consistent signals.  

For a tight install location (small attic, or even a closet), you might try a Channel Master 4221A from Marmax, which is right near you on 68th and Rawson.  It only costs $22-something, and is small-ish at 20"x36".  It works great for me in my attic.  

Note that this antenna is UHF-only, so in theory might have difficulty in picking up channel 10's digital feed on channel 8.  In practice, I get 98% signal strength on 10's digital stations.

For an outside install, the 4228 is basically two of the 4221A.  If you have the space, that might be the way to go.  See

Good luck,