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HDTV EVENT!!!!! - Cancelled

Started by Tom Snyder, Thursday Sep 27, 2007, 10:44:15 PM

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I would be inttersted in attending this HD DVD Event:

o matter what day it\'s held.
11 (45.8%)
nly if it\'s on a Friday night.
3 (12.5%)
nly if it\'s on a Saturday night.
2 (8.3%)
nly if it\'s during a weeknight.
8 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 24

Tom Snyder

We are putting together a very special event for Milwaukee HDTV members.

What is it? A two-hour long demonstration/discussion about the past, present, and future of HD DVD technology. Two experts from Microsoft will be leading the event, featuring upcoming releases, hardware discussions, and interactivity demonstrations.

Who's it for? Anyone with an interest in HD DVD. Own a player? Great! Interested in what the technology has to offer? That's cool too. If you've been wondering what the fuss is all about or what the future holds, you'll want to attend this special event. Here's your chance to get all the latest info and ask questions from prominent industry insiders!

What does it cost? Nothing. The event will be completely free.

Where will it be held? The exact location will be announced later, but it will be in the Pewaukee area.

What's the catch? No catch, but we do have to guarantee that there will be at least twenty people in attendance. A reservation system will be set up once the date is announced.

When is it? That's still to be determined, and we'll need some feedback from those interested in participating. Please let us know when you would be willing to attend. If a weeknight would work out, all the better.

If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please fill out the poll below. Once we see the results, we'll post more information.  Feel free to add any other comments or questions below.

Extra Special thanks to SRW1000 for putting this even together..
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org

Mark Strube

Any weeknight Mon-Wed would work the best for me.


Since when is Micky$oft an expert in HD?  If you had a leader in the HD world as speakers, maybe I'd go.  Don't care to see a Micky$oft sales pitch.  Get them at work too often already!


Respectfully, I would want both players in the high-def DVD arena to be present.
BDA has got to have their representatives show up, too, to make it balanced.
I have both players, buy or rent both media and questions about both of their shortcomings and the why and when - both camps are going to fix it.
IF there is representation available that is fairly balanced on both, sign me up.:)

Paul S.

I voted saturday, but Friday is ok, too.


Quote from: jkane;41126Since when is Micky$oft an expert in HD?  If you had a leader in the HD world as speakers, maybe I'd go.  Don't care to see a Micky$oft sales pitch.  Get them at work too often already!

Microsoft has been very active in support and development of HD DVD content.

Their two main contributions are the VC-1 video codec and HDi (the HD DVD menu system) which allows content and interactivity beyond what is available on standard DVDs.

The representatives are well-versed in HD DVD.  This will not be a simple Microsoft sales pitch, but a full-fledged HD DVD demonstration.



Quote from: gparris;41134Respectfully, I would want both players in the high-def DVD arena to be present.
BDA has got to have their representatives show up, too, to make it balanced.
I have both players, buy or rent both media and questions about both of their shortcomings and the why and when - both camps are going to fix it.
IF there is representation available that is fairly balanced on both, sign me up.:)

I can see why having representatives from both groups might make this a better event, but I don't see that happening.  Having both groups present would present more logistical problems.  It also assumes that both groups would be willing to attend the same event.  That would be hard to pull off, especially for such a small gathering.  This is no small task, as evidenced by the Blu-ray group declining an invitation to appear with the HD DVD group at this year's EMA.  

This is not a presentation to show both formats equally.  It's clearly an HD DVD event, not an HD media event.  This is a special offering from Microsoft, and I haven't seen anything comparable from the BDA.

I'd welcome anyone interested to contact the Blu-ray group, to see if they'd be willing to host a similar event.  That would also be worth attending, but to have equal representation at the same time isn't going to happen.  A less-formal event, featuring a technology showdown would work, but it would be difficult or impossible getting insiders from either side to attend.



I'd like to add one more thing.

If you are interested at all in this event, please vote!  We've had almost 200 views, but less than 20 votes cast at this time.  Since we need to guarantee 20 people (to justify their travel costs and time), this poll will be used to gage likely attendance.  We'll have a reservation system set up later, but for now we have show enough interest before taking the next steps.

So, please click on your choice of dates, if you want to attend.




I stand corrected!  I had to do a little research, and it is true that M$ is "supporting" HD DVD.  I guess I knew there were 2 formats, and had a general idea of what BluRay is, but wasn't sure what the other was called.  I "assumed" HD DVD was a generic term for all HD formats on DVD.  WRONG!  BZZZT!

Sorry, still not interested in this event.  I too would like to see both sides, not just the cheap version that only offers half the potential to us consumers.


Quote from: jkane;41197I stand corrected!  I had to do a little research, and it is true that M$ is "supporting" HD DVD.  I guess I knew there were 2 formats, and had a general idea of what BluRay is, but wasn't sure what the other was called.  I "assumed" HD DVD was a generic term for all HD formats on DVD.  WRONG!  BZZZT!

Sorry, still not interested in this event.

I'm sorry to hear that this event doesn't appeal to you.  It really is an invaluable opportunity to get the latest information on one of the two competing prerecorded HD formats, directly from two extremely knowledgeable and highly-placed insiders.

Quote from: jkane;41197I too would like to see both sides, not just the cheap version that only offers half the potential to us consumers.
I am a bit puzzled by this second remark.  Although HD DVD players are roughly two-thirds to half the cost of Blu-Ray players, I don't think it's fair to categorize them as only offering half the potential.  This has been borne out by independent reviewers who have looked at material on both formats.

I've explained why this presentation can't feature both formats in my reply to gparris, but a comparison between the two might just be a terrific idea for a different event.



I am sorry to report that the planned HD DVD demonstration has been canceled.

As of yesterday, Amir Majidimehr (former Corporate Vice President, Consumer Media Technology Group) has taken on a new role at Microsoft, and will no longer be conducting these events.

The timing of this change is unfortunate and disappointing, as I know a number of of us were really looking forward to this event.  Opportunities such as this do not come along very often.

I would like to thank The Zach Building Company for having volunteered the use of one of their model homes with a lower-level home theater.  And, I would also like to thank Superior Sight and Sound for offering the use of a special projector for the event.

And, thank you to everyone who followed this posting, took the time to vote, and/or offered feedback for what would have been a terrific event.



Why don't some of you who are moderators lead some discussions, give demonstrations, and/or make presentations for us? Why do we need a so-called expert to have an event? From what I've seen, there's a lot of local expertise who could share many valuable things with the group. It would be fun just to meet! How about it?:wave:

Scott Sippel

If its during the week, and not tuesday or thursday, I can be there.  I might be able to round up a few others if its in the Pewaukee area.


Quote from: Scott Sippel;41502If its during the week, and not tuesday or thursday, I can be there.  I might be able to round up a few others if its in the Pewaukee area.
You may have missed my post above, but unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.
