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Home Made Music

Started by Steve Mann, Monday May 01, 2006, 02:46:02 PM

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Steve Mann

Hey guys...

As you may or may not know, I play guitar and sing a little. I've been working over the Internet with a guy from AZ, collaborating on some rock and roll tunes. We're recording our parts directly to PC then transferring them back an forth as we mix the songs. We're starting to get a pretty decent sound. On several songs, we have a guy from Finland, Dee is his name, joining us on vocals. He's a major talent. The guy should have been a rock star!

Anyway.. I was hoping I might get some comments suggestions and maybe turn some of you on to music you might enjoy.

The easiest way to hear them would be to go here and then scroll to the bottom to get to the list of songs. From there click the 'hi-fi' buttons to play the individual songs.


Thanks for listening and for any comments or suggestions you would like to share.

Steve M. Mann
Panasonic AX200U Projector
Carada 126" 16:9 Fixed Screen
1 - HR20-100 DirecTV HD PVR
1 - HR24-500 DirecTV HD PVR
My Theater
Theater Construction Album

Matt Heebner

Listened to the first three...REALLY liked Exit and Caught In Between Worlds.  You guys sound awesome. Your lead singer on those two songs really reminds me of young early Ian Astbury from The Cult.

As soon as I get more time , I definitely will be listening to more.


Steve Mann

Thanks, Matt! I'm pretty excited about the direction this is taking. It started out as just a couple messing around and see what we could do, and we've ended up making some pretty good tunes.

I agree with your take on Dee, the singer on those two songs you mention. He's a great talent and really adds to our effort.

Thanks for listening... glad you enjoyed and I hope you like the others when you get back to them.

Oh and just so you know, when it's not Dee singing, it's me. He's the talent, I'm the hack.  ;-)
Steve M. Mann
Panasonic AX200U Projector
Carada 126" 16:9 Fixed Screen
1 - HR20-100 DirecTV HD PVR
1 - HR24-500 DirecTV HD PVR
My Theater
Theater Construction Album


It's really neat that you can do this on the internet!  Who would have thought that bands no longer need to meet in person?  

The music is not my style preference, so I can't offer much of an opinion.  Thanks for letting me know what is possible these days.

Steve Mann

Quote from: StarvingForHDTVIt's really neat that you can do this on the internet!  Who would have thought that bands no longer need to meet in person?

Yup, that blows my mind too sometimes. It really is amazing what can be done over the Internet. I remember when the net first started to blossom (Netscape 1.0) and thought, "This is cool, but what can you really do with it?" Well, that's certainly been answered over and over again.

To answer your question, yes... neither of us three have actually met in person. We 'met' online in newsgroups and started working together from there. Thanks again to the Internet, we voice chat and text message to get thoughts and ideas across. Then we record our parts to wav files, zip them up and upload them to the others. They lay their parts down, upload those wavs and then it all gets mixed together in multi-track recording software (Adobe Audition).

I certainly understand about the music preference. Not a problem... Thanks for listening and commenting!
Steve M. Mann
Panasonic AX200U Projector
Carada 126" 16:9 Fixed Screen
1 - HR20-100 DirecTV HD PVR
1 - HR24-500 DirecTV HD PVR
My Theater
Theater Construction Album


I have not played around with audition but you might also want to check out Sonys "Acid Pro".  It was developed by Sonic Foundry out of Madison and then they sold it to Sony a couple years ago.  Its a nice tool that has many of the features offered by Pro Tools but at a fraction of the price.  However, audition might do just as much if not more.  I have not really kept up with such programs for a few years.

Steve Mann

Quote from: picopir8I have not played around with audition...

Thanks for the tip. I've heard good things about Acid Pro. However, Audition is a high-end professional level audio/video multi-track recording solution. It does just about everything all the others do. It works great for us. If you're interested.... http://www.adobe.com/products/audition/index.html

And the one thing about changing this type of software, they all have a pretty big learning curve. They all do the same thing, but for some reason, they like doing it from different places and they're own way.

Thanks again.
Steve M. Mann
Panasonic AX200U Projector
Carada 126" 16:9 Fixed Screen
1 - HR20-100 DirecTV HD PVR
1 - HR24-500 DirecTV HD PVR
My Theater
Theater Construction Album