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HD-DVD and Blu-Ray articles on teamxbox

Started by TPK, Friday Mar 10, 2006, 09:16:30 AM

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If you havent read it yet, there are 2 parts of a 3 part article posted on Teamxbox about the blu-ray and hd-dvd format..

I found it an interesting read, as it gets into the technical aspects and differences between blu-ray and hd-dvd...

Part 1

Part 2


The linked articles are (as one might expect from a member of the HD-DVD adopters group) biased slightly towards the HD-DVD side of the equation.  Those looking for information will find it useful, but should search out information from both camps before making large $$$ decisions.


Personally, I would like to see all this shake out before this stuff hits the market this summer.  Ya the best way is to let the consumers do it, but at what cost to the public.  Ultimately in the end, there's gonna be a whole bunch of people with High Definition DVD "Beta" machines.  Both formats will probably be supported for some time, but ultimately one will be dropped in favor of the other.  I have to ask the question.  Is choice always good? :)


This can only hurt the progress of the High Definition DVD Players

I have 4 other friends with HD TV's and NONE of us are planning to buy one.  I'm sure the quality will be better.

BUT, what comes to mind, is how much better?  It seems to me that this is just the latest in american consumerism.  Companies marketing marginally better technology as being superior.  DVD player sales are tapering off, and prices and profits are down.  The industry needs a new cash cow.

With the current format battle going on, I have less than ZERO interest in supporting either format.  Its all about patents, and money at this point, not which is actually better. Not to mention the lack-luster collection of titles being released for both of them.

This is not the same as Beta vs VHS, because back than, being able to watch video at home was revolutionary, now it is simply expected. Not to mention, that many people are still being dazzeled by their DVD players they bought less 5 years ago for $100-$200.  Its gonna be a hard sell to convince people to lay down two-three times the cash for a HD-DVD Player.

For the time being the battle between blu-ray and hd-dvd, will be a mute point.  A very small % of the population has the capability to gain any picture quality from the discs, and of that small %, even less are going to lay down $400+ for one with the current format war, and lack of descent titles.


I tend to agree. I think the majority of Americans who have DVD players are very happy with the quality. Do you really think average folks are eager to go out and replace their entire DVD libraries with pricey new discs just because someone in a fancy store mentions buzzwords like 1080i and Blu-Ray? For many, high-end DVD players that upconvert to 1080i look pretty darn close to HD quality. For me, I would still like true HD, but I feel I am in the minority.

I think the real buzz period for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray will be a couple of years away, when hopefully we'll start to see tons more HD content on television and hopefully the cost of HDTV's will come down a lot. Only when it starts to become very affordable and a regular part of people's lives will it make an impact. Right now, it's too esoteric and is viewed as something for videophiles only.

I believe, once people start having more access to HD programming and see how amazing the picture is, they WILL want their DVD's to look the same way. However, I still feel that day has not arrived yet.

I DO have to say that I am disgusted with the separate Blu-Ray/HD-DVD camps. Their greed and arrogance is only going to confuse the average consumer. Who will want to pay for a player that may be obsolete when the competing format wins out?? Did they learn nothing from the VHS/Beta wars? Imagine if they both teamed up instead of fighting....the outcome could be much better.