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Need a new Xbox 360?

Started by Paul S., Wednesday Dec 21, 2005, 05:43:09 PM

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Paul S.


Wow, and only $100 more than you probably paid for it.  What a nice fella you are to help out your fellow MKEHDTV-ites that way.



stores are gettin them on a regular basis now


just what I always wanted!!  Another Microsoft product that doesnt work!  :rofl:

Paul S.

Quote from: mrmikeWow, and only $100 more than you probably paid for it.  What a nice fella you are to help out your fellow MKEHDTV-ites that way.


Seeing as though I went through all the work to get it, sounds fair. If you're not interested, don't be a bitch about it.


Quote from: Paul S.Seeing as though I went through all the work to get it, sounds fair. If you're not interested, don't be a bitch about it.

I've picked up 2 already, both for other people who didn't have the time or ability to do so themselves, and both at no mark-up (unless you count a cup of coffee as mark-up).   I'm just not a mercenary bitch / eBay whore.  Don't get ****y with me just 'cause I called attention to the fact that you are.

Tom Sielicki

Do you know where any will be in the local stores around here? My son wants one real bad.  (Dad likes them too)  I have been trying with no luck.


Actually they will not be availible at any stores until early next year, the last shipment was sold out on the 18th. If I had an extra one i would sell it for an extra hundred as well, the things were goin for 5 grand on ebay! I think 500 is a deal compared what others are asking for them.

Paul S.

Quote from: mrmikeI've picked up 2 already, both for other people who didn't have the time or ability to do so themselves, and both at no mark-up (unless you count a cup of coffee as mark-up).   I'm just not a mercenary bitch / eBay whore.  Don't get ****y with me just 'cause I called attention to the fact that you are.

60 bucks to get something that you can't get yourself? Please. Do  you work for free, too?

Paul S.

Quote from: AbsopoActually they will not be availible at any stores until early next year, the last shipment was sold out on the 18th. If I had an extra one i would sell it for an extra hundred as well, the things were goin for 5 grand on ebay! I think 500 is a deal compared what others are asking for them.

Some anti capitalist commie here thinks otherwise  :rofl:


Quote from: Paul S.60 bucks to get something that you can't get yourself? Please. Do  you work for free, too?

Often.  Used to do lots of Habitat for Humanity before I burned out on it.  Did some Mentoring.  Heck, even helping friends move is working for free, innit? Not too long ago, I (along with 15 other folks from the net) travelled halfway across the country to help a complete stranger we knew only from a board just like this one relocate and rebuild after they had a major disaster .  That's what communities are all about, even virtual ones (but I guess you know that).   My soul doesn't have a price tag on it and if that makes me an "anti capitalist commie", that's fine by me.   I'm done flogging this particular deceased equine, you just go right on putting the $ in X-ma$ and I'll leave you to it.


Paul S.

Quote from: mrmikeOften.  Used to do lots of Habitat for Humanity before I burned out on it.  Did some Mentoring.  Heck, even helping friends move is working for free, innit? Not too long ago, I (along with 15 other folks from the net) travelled halfway across the country to help a complete stranger we knew only from a board just like this one relocate and rebuild after they had a major disaster .  That's what communities are all about, even virtual ones (but I guess you know that).   My soul doesn't have a price tag on it and if that makes me an "anti capitalist commie", that's fine by me.   I'm done flogging this particular deceased equine, you just go right on putting the $ in X-ma$ and I'll leave you to it.


So, what does me being laid off last year have anything to do with it? Be self righteous all you want (I do commend you on what you have done), but your accomplishments lessen themselves when you rub other peoples faces in it. Why not yell at businesses that mark up prices? Does 'supply and demand' not mean anything to you?

For being Mr. Humanitarian, you kinda sound like a jag.

>insert witty comment about being done here<


Quote from: AbsopoActually they will not be availible at any stores until early next year, the last shipment was sold out on the 18th. If I had an extra one i would sell it for an extra hundred as well, the things were goin for 5 grand on ebay! I think 500 is a deal compared what others are asking for them.

Actually Best Buy stores all had them this morning. has had them the past two days at around 8:30 to 9:30. If you really want one, you can find one. All this next year stuff is BS.

Mark Strube

This was posted in the wrong section, but there was absolutely no need to be so completely rude to someone trying to sell an Xbox for a comparatively reasonable price. Take your personal agendas and language elsewhere, or I'm sure it won't be long before you're banned. This thread is locked.