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TWC Outage

Started by kevbeck122, Wednesday Sep 14, 2005, 12:01:46 AM

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Anyone else affected?  All of my services are out (cable and roadrunner), and have been since around 6PM.  We don't have many outages.. but when they do occur it seems to go on for many hours.  Right across the street from me in Germantown everything is fine with TWC :mad:.


:( I'm out in 53223 (Milwaukee/Brown Deer). I went down around 10pm and still not back up this morning. Called TWC and they are aware of outage in my area.


Don't have cable, but Road Runner went out around 6:30 and it was still out when I left at 6:30 this morning.  Tech Support said at least a couple more hours.  I just logged in to my server at home.  Must be back up then.   I only have 18 spam emails on the main mail server so far, so it must not have been back up for very long.  :rolleyes:

At 6:30 I was riding my bike in the pouring rain and wind blowing branches across the road in front of me.  After the lightening tried to hit me 3 times, it got the power lines in Thiensville next to the rail road tracks as I went past them on it's 4th attempt to take me out.  The sparks stopped flying just short of the road as I passed by.  Since the street lights went out then, I figured that also took out the cable service.

Oh yeah, if you know that jerk who tried to run me over because I was going very slow with all that happening, kick his/her a$$ for me!  I think the mirror on the car hit my elbow as they swerved around me!


My cable still works up in Bayside...

However the winds must have beat the crap out of my cable lines because it broke off its securings to the house and the cable is now lying half on the ground and half in the air from the cable pole in back of the house to the terminal box outside the house...

But the cable still works though (its just halfway lying on the ground)..

I tried to call TWC to arrange a service call several times, but of course I cannot get through at all (fast busy signal on the 800 number, 'all circuits are busy' on the 414 number)...

Is there any other way I can contact TWC? (I know they must be busy, but I would like to get this service call in ASAP so this doenst get queued up for Friday of next year)...

BTW:  Riding your bike through a severe thunderstorm = BAD!!  Are you going for a Darwin award or something?  :)


I just called the Mayfair number and got transferred to support from there.. took about 25 minutes to get through last night.  It turns out they had no idea that I was in an outage area, so they came to my house today and found out everything was already fixed.  My cable came back on around 4AM..


I was at work during the the storm, but when I got home, cable went out for about 30 seconds or so, roadrunner was fine..  Not sure if it went down before, I tried logging into my server, but my router took a dive and didnt come back up till I got home and re-booted it.  

Cable has been pretty rock solid for me, I can only recall a few times when I lost service, and it was only briefly, and only during really bad storms


Quote from: TPKBTW:  Riding your bike through a severe thunderstorm = BAD!!  Are you going for a Darwin award or something?  :)

It was only cloudy when I left!  No rain falling at all.  I was just trying to get home.   :)