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HR10-250 - I was one of the lucky ones...

Started by Steve Mann, Friday Jul 08, 2005, 10:13:27 PM

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the 58-1 and 58-2 issue has been fixed for quite a while now (since the PSIP compliance date, whenever that was).

I have no issues with my unit except for the puny 63 hours of storage.. they really need to come out with 500GB drives. :(


SUCCESS!!!! :rock:

BB in Greenfield is THE BB to attempt this at apparently.  I walked in, went to the Home Theater Dept., checkout the area...still no signs posted.  One of the sales guys (his name was Joe) tries to help me.  We started chit-chatting about things since he mentioned the just bought a D* SD Tivo.  I was like "I really like this box, and I have this coupon for it here...." and he's like "Yeah, no problem.  Did you have any more shopping to do cause I can check you out back here if you want."  I'm thinking to myself SCORE!!!!   No managers involved, no hassles, in and out in under 10 minutes.  I didn't have to sign up for a Rewards Card either.

I get home and call D* (1-800-824-9081).  Tried to get some kind of rebate.  1st call they said you HAVE to buy the HD DVR through D* to get any credit (she offered me $250).  2nd call I spoke to Wanda (only one Wanda in the dept.).  She says I see you called about the DVR earlier.  I'm thinking crap now what?  I said I was thinking about cable since they offer a DVR for about $8.00/month.  She goes into a rant about how cable isn't digital and the regular don't switch to cable routine.  I told her I really don't want to switch, but I was upset because if I want the $250 credit, but I have to buy the HD DVR through D* for $749.  I told her I can get it at BB for just under $700, so it would be nice to have the credit applied to that price.  She said sure, and wrote a note into my account to credit me $250 when I call to activate my HD DVR.  :rock:   She also was nice enough to confirm that the MPEG4 swtich is coming, but could be 2 years away yet for our Milwaukee market.  She also said she would be surprised if D* charged it's customers anything to switch out the old boxes.  She said to offset the cost of the boxes, customers would have to sign a 1 or possibly 2 year agreement to get the box at no charge.  

So long story short, my HR10-250 cost me a total of $100, should be good for almost 2 years yet, and shouldn't cost me a dime to swtich to MPEG4 if I'm still with D* at that time.  What a great start to the weekend!  :rock:


Just got back from Northridge Best Buy, no problem using the 50% off coupon, called Directv and got $200 credit, $5 off HD package for 6 months, free movie channels for 2 months. $700-50%=$350-$200 credit-$30 HD discount - $90 for 2  months movie channels= out of pocket $30. Not bad for me!

Rick Sass

Just got back from the Greenfield BB. I asked for Joe in the HT dept. and 10 minutes later I was walking out the door with the HDTiVo at 50% off  :). There was no discussion with managers, 1-2-3. I got the last one they had in stock and Joe told me there are getting one more in tomorrow which could be put on hold. I have a 50% coupon available, so if anyone PM's before 4:00 pm, it will go out in today's mail. Did I mention, ask for JOE at the Greenfield BB! He did a great job.


COMET got the BB coupon - good luck  :)


Its nice that you are so pleased with yourself, Rick.  FYI, your loud mouth has caught the attention of the staff at the BB in Greenfield.  They know about the unethical scam you are so proud of, and have put an end to it.  If you or any of your cronies were planning to lie, cheat and steal a HD DVR from the store on So. 76th St., just know that it will not fly.


Quote from: anonymousIts nice that you are so pleased with yourself, Rick.  FYI, your loud mouth has caught the attention of the staff at the BB in Greenfield.  They know about the unethical scam you are so proud of, and have put an end to it.  If you or any of your cronies were planning to lie, cheat and steal a HD DVR from the store on So. 76th St., just know that it will not fly.

I'm not sure what is so "unethical" about redeaming a coupon that was "misprinted" and the store failed to notify their customers about.  If BB wanted to end this, they would have posted signs and not allowed their customers to redeem the coupon, like many other BB across the US.  The coupon expires in a few days anyway, and July 30 can get here soon enough so we can stop hearing about this.  

BTW anonymous welcome to the board.  :wave:   Hopefully you will have more to contribute to this forum than just this thread.  :p


Please...I work for BBY and I see absolutely nothing wrong with what you guys are doing...They had a mis-printed coupon, Southridge didn't inform their staff/post anything regarding this situation...so the customer wins and you know what it gave them some good customer feedback in the end.

Congratulations to all that got this deal, I think it's great:)


Quote from: anonymousIts nice that you are so pleased with yourself, Rick.  FYI, your loud mouth has caught the attention of the staff at the BB in Greenfield.  They know about the unethical scam you are so proud of, and have put an end to it.  If you or any of your cronies were planning to lie, cheat and steal a HD DVR from the store on So. 76th St., just know that it will not fly.

First, welcome to the forum.

Second it was not cheatn', lian' or stealin'.  Stealing would be getting it for free.  In this case it appears it was half price.

Sounds to me like this is one of the managers who won't be hitting his margin  percentages this month.

Third, if you really want to make an improvement at best buy,  try not having your
check out people harass me about buying an extended warranty.  If I say no, I mean no.  None of this, "well you really should"  or "this is why I would do it", "you will be sorry", "this item is known to have problems" stuff.  

That cost the company more money than this coupon did.  Remember when, I left the two 300 gig external hard drives at the counter because of the warranty harrassment (@ greenfield store).    Thats why I don't shop there anymore.  But If I find a coupon for 50% off tivo equipment in the future I will make sure to use it (@ the greenfield).

I know its off topic and may get deleted, but I had to vent.



First, I agree in full with you about being harrassed regarding Service Plans...

But, what you just wrote doesn't make any sense because there are no Service Plans, or Replacement Plans on Hard Drives whatsoever, so why would they harrass you over something that doesn't exist?


Quote from: Army82ndABFirst, I agree in full with you about being harrassed regarding Service Plans...

But, what you just wrote doesn't make any sense because there are no Service Plans, or Replacement Plans on Hard Drives whatsoever, so why would they harrass you over something that doesn't exist?

It was 2 external hard drives and I don't know what may have happened about offering it.  But I can assure you that it was offered three times, each time I said no I didn't want it.  Each response she gave me seemed like it was intended to make me feel more stupid for not getting it.  And then the final time when she said that these type of items were known to fail so it would be a good idea to get it.  I said just keep it then, if it's known to fail I don't want it.  (It was two maxtor 300GB external) which I ended up buying from newegg.  It was the day after, the Attorney Generals office said it was going to open an investigation into BB and warranty stuff.  I remember clearly, because I went out to the car and my wife asked why I didn't get them, because that was the only thing I went in to get.

It's kind of disappointing, because it is one of my favorite stores.  I still browse there but haven't bought anything since.  I may in the future but I really, really, despise that warranty stuff.  Ask me once and I'm fine with that but when I say no, its no.



I myself will only get the service plan if I can get it at employee pricing.  Service plans that are normally $35-40 are available to employees for only $6.  Nice markup on BB's end...


I have been pressured into hard drive service plans by best buy before also (probably the most bought thing from BB behind video games and DVDs).

I just checked on the web site and sure enough there is no service plan for hard drives, but I know I have been asked about them before (don't know how long ago, but probably a few years)


Yeah there is no such thing as a Service Plan on a Hard Drive, which is really odd that they pressured you...I believe you though, so I'm not calling you guys liars at all...Why do you think I refuse to work on the Sales floor at BBY, because I couldn't stand the pressure they put on you to shove those things down customers throats...

I will say that in the last year they have made an absolutely huge change in philosophy regarding the Service Plan...It used to be all they talked about was how to sell a Service Plan, but now all we talk about at meetings and what not is how to get the customer what they need and what we can do to make sure they continue to buy from us...I kid you not we rarely talk about service plans anymore