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Generating revenues

Started by StarvingForHDTV, Monday May 23, 2005, 08:45:33 AM

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Have you thought about approaching DirecTV, DISH Network , and Time Warner Cable about advertising on this site?  TWC should practically be paying you right now for providing free customer service.  Those three companies might be a good fit for your banner ads.

Tom Snyder

No doubt that we have something of value to offer them...just don't have the physical resources to go through all the time-consuming stuff of keeping the full-court press on them to close the business. Sales is hard work. I can't speak for any of the other guys, but I'm so busy keeping my business clicking along that I don't have the time to even begin the process, much less follow through.

I haven't talked to the guys about it, but IMO, what would be perfect would be a freelance rep who'd be willing to sell for us for a straight commission...keeping a perecentage of what they sold. Typcally, an agency fee is 10-15% perecent.  We'd have to figure out what to charge based on the demos and GRPs... I guess if we got a "volunteer" we'd develop a rate card.

Any takers?
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I'm in the process of building another business right now.  The timing isn't right for me.  I will keep the offer in mind.

Tom Snyder

That's the problem with the HDTV community. Full plates... We didn't pay for our expensive toys with foodstamps. We're all extremely busy during our "professional" hours... and the rest of the time, we're busy enjoying our hobby. :)
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I hope MilwaukeeHDTV.org is either profitable or breaking even.  It is a nice resource for a lot of people.