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HD DVD Formats Coming to a Collision Course Near You

Started by Gregg Lengling, Wednesday Mar 09, 2005, 01:31:14 PM

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Gregg Lengling

It could be déjà vu (or better yet, Betamax vs. VHS again), but two competing formats for HD-quality DVDs are about to start confusing American consumers in earnest. One format, known simply as "HD-DVD," is what such companies like Toshiba and Sanyo are backing, with DVD-player product rolling out in time for the next holiday season in late 2005. Studios backing HD-DVD, so far, include Warner Bros., Universal and Paramount. The second (and incompatible) format is Sony's Blu-ray, which is also tentatively scheduled for a 2005 holiday season (or more likely early 2006) introduction. Blu-ray has the backing of two studios so far: Disney and Sony Pictures.

So a year from now it's quite possible that consumers will be confronted by two HD disc formats that won't talk to each other--each requiring its own unique high-definition DVD players and discs. The only common strand for both formats will be the need for HD-capable monitors/receivers to realize high-definition's full benefits. But one thing that will not be a problem in the early stages of the dual rollouts is missing any classic movie titles. Because very little market penetration will be realized for at least a few years (by either or both formats), classics like "The Godfather," the Lord of the Ring Trilogy, "Gone with the Wind" or good old "Casablanca" in black and white, will not be among the early high-def DVD titles.

Instead, early HD-enhanced DVDs in both formats will cater mostly to one key demographic: young males. Early titles, according to The Wall Street Journal, likely will include a few movies that more or less bombed in theaters, including "Catwoman," "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow," and one of the biggest bombs in memory: "Waterworld."
Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI
Living the life with a 65" Aquos
glengling at milwaukeehdtv dot org  {fart}


I think what will have to happen if the VCR-type "war" continues with different formats for different studios is either the movie discs will be released in both formats or the studio will have less to gain from an HD release like what occurred with the VHS and Beta tapes did, or the manufacturers will have to come up with a "Universal Player" like the DVD-A and SACD audio players finally did, with the exception of Sony, who stayed with only SACD.
Same thing happened with the DVD-and DVD+ player/recorders...doesn't the industry ever learn? :(
A multi-player could get very costly at first, much less one that records, too.
Only time will tell if which format wins, only for now, the consumer loses. :mad:

Paul S.

Quote from: gparrisOnly time will tell if which format wins, only for now, the consumer loses. :mad:

Right? How stoopid is that?!

Gregg Lengling

Personally I think it's Sony against the world again....I also think that they have the better technology...however that didn't help with Beta. {glug}
Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI
Living the life with a 65" Aquos
glengling at milwaukeehdtv dot org  {fart}


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought HD-DVD was backward compatible with everyones possibly large collections of current dvd's.
I know that might sway folks in HD-DVD's direction. Call me a cynic but I think the Blu-ray camp just wants all of us to re-buy our favorite titles and as HD fanatics we probably will eventually but seriosly...how much better can  Flash Gordon's Space Soldiers be in HD whichever format it'll be.   :)


pretzelkid: Yes, the HD DVD is said to be backwards-capatible with current DVDs, but what is being discussed here primarily is the two types of High Def DVDs....BD (Blu-ray) and HD DVD...non-compatible formats and both players might be needed to play what you buy in a store in the future, worse than Beta and VHS as back then, it didn't matter which studio released the tape, you could get both formats...not the way it is shaping up right now with HD DVD and BD discs. :(


Sony is not exactly against the world. They have their own film studios, Twentieth Century and Disney are behind them. There might be more that I missed or soon will join or defect.

Let's not forget Playstation 3 will have blu-ray (a lot of people will be buying them whether they know what blu-ray is or not :)).

Panasonic TH-50PX60U
Panasonic TH-42PZ85U


Well if SONY decides to keep the Blu-Ray technology proprietary, and require all other companies to pay royalties to manufacturer it, or for SONY manufacturer the players with other companies labels on them.  Then guess what.  Make space on that basement shelf next to your BETA deck.  It won't matter how superior one technology may be to another, marketing matters. :)


That Sony against the world talk makes me laugh.  Have you seen the complete list of BDA members?  Blu-ray will survive in the marketplace whether you like Sony or not.  The question is whether HD-DVD can co-exist.  That remains to be seen.


I like SONY...  I always have.  I also believe in going with the better technology.  Thats maybe why I have 2 of SONY's top of the line SLHF-1000 Beta decks on my basement shelf right now.  Before the advent of digital technology mind you, Beta has been and still is better than VHS.  Even after Beta lost the war on the consumer level, it was still widely excepted on the commercial level.  Digital technology however has leveled the playing field.  
What I know about the 2 current technologies Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, is what I've read here in this forum and just a couple of other places.  Blu-Ray may be the better technology, but the big issue for me personally and maybe many others is backward compatability.  If SONY addresses that issue.  Then count me on board.  I have learned my lesson on the Beta front.  I personaly will be doing a wait and see for the first couple of years. ;)


Panasonic TH-50PX60U
Panasonic TH-42PZ85U


Quote from: Bebophttp://www.blu-ray.com/
Based on the link, I think the battle is already over.


Panasonic TH-50PX60U
Panasonic TH-42PZ85U