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Need opinions

Started by murdoc, Friday Aug 06, 2004, 01:16:12 PM

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I just bought my Samsung HDTV tuner and hooked up my new Radioshack antenna.  I am currently recieveing channels 4-1@45%
Today is Friday August, 6.  The weather is currently Partly cloudy, 72 degrees, wind SE@8MPH.

Now my questions concern boosting the reception on these channels.  The tech at Radioshack said that I could hook up a $30 signal amp to my system and that this should help.  How much difference should I notice with this?  Should I maybe step up to a larger antenna?  I bought the second largest antenna that they carry.  It is currently installed in my attic aimed at 155 degrees.  I live in West Bend just north of HWY 33 on Creek Dr.

What about channels 6-1 and 58-1?  I don't seem to be getting any signal for these stations and the tuner did not find them when I scanned for stations.

Thanks in advance for all your help.


For me, I have found the more powerful the antenna, the better.  I started with the double bow tie, moved to the 4 bow tie, and finally ended up with a 8 bow tie.  I think being in an attic zaps quite a bit of the signal strength.  I'm using a fringe/outlying area antenna about 1 mile from Milwaukee County....

I think you have to be careful with amps.  I have heard the lower quality ones amplify noise and could hurt your situation.  I'm definitely not an expert though.

Good luck,



I'm using an antenna in the attic. I can get 58-1 just fine. However, 6-1 is not happening at the moment.  I just received my pre-amp in the mail today. I'll be installing it over the weekend. I'll let you know how it works.

By the way, I have a large Winegard VHF/UHF/FM pointed toward Milw and a Radio Shack UHF-Only pointed towards Green Bay.


FORGET any of the Radio shack amps.  They cause more problems than they do good.  I had tried a RS inline amp. and took it out immediately.  Probably needed an atenuator down stream as well.  The best thing to do is to get that antenna out of the attic.  Your antenna has to be able to get some sort of signal in order to boost it.  So adding an amp. to try and get 6-1 and 58-1 won't do any good.  I had also tried one of their distribution amps. with the gain control on it, also a piece of JUNK.  I get the best picture quality with the least amount of noise with no amplification at all.  Just a good antenna with quality quad sheild cable and good connectors.


Well I played around with the antenna a bit and I am now recieving 6-1.  58-1 is still not happening though.  I did install the Radioshack amp and I will be taking that piece of junk back to them as soon as I can.  I got no signal stregth increase after installing it.  Any ideas for getting 58-1?


I'm not at the moment familiar with that model.  Is that a UHF/VHF/FM or is it a UHF only? If it is UHF only is it a corner reflector or a bow tie.  In any case, if at all possible get it mounted out doors.   Also, and I do not want to promote spending any more money on this stuff than you have to, but I've heard alot of good reports about the Channel Master bow tie UHF antenna's.  I've been considering one myself and putting it on the side of my tower in a static direction towards Milwaukee.:)


Hey tazman:
 I am in fact running a Ratshack preamp on my system. I might give try taking it out if I caould pull Fox in.

 When you say you had problems, are you noticing better siganl strength or maybe even (gasp) that you can get Fox 6 digital without the amp?


The attic will decrease the signal 50%.  I have tested this with a test reciever and meter.  I use the attenna that you will find at the link and have great reception in my attic.  I am north of oconomwoc so on the extreme fringe!


QuoteWhen you say you had problems, are you noticing better siganl strength or maybe even (gasp) that you can get Fox 6 digital without the amp?

I may not be noticing any better signal strength, but for my location I am better off without the amp.  I had the inline amp. near the antenna and a variable attenuator down stream near the TV.  I just could not come up with a good ballance between the added noise the amp put in and any noticable gain in signal strength.   IMO the only time an amp should be used, is when splitting to different rooms of the house and only if absolutely needed.  Also not a RS distribution amp either,  I tried one of their's also.  Another NOISE BOX.  For me amplification isn't working, my best results are the bare antenna with quad scheilded RG-6 and I even have it split to several rooms.  
  I would say right now I get Fox 6 digital about 70% of the time, where it is acceptable to watch.  Hopefully when they finalize the digital channel alocations later this year,  WITI will either bump up the power or move.
   When I think about it even though being right next to WISN frequency wise.  You have to look at the fact that PBS-HD 36-1 is also right next to WISN frequency wise on channel 35 digital. :confused: .  I never have a problem with PBS-HD.  It has to be a power and antenna issue.



WAY OUT HERE IN JEFFERSON, I am using a cheap $3 antenna I bought at an estate sale for UHF/VHF/FM combined with a Winegard AP4700 preamp I got off ebay for $25 brand new.  The preamp nearly doubled my signal strength, making most stations actually watchable even from 46 miles away.  I also use a Channel Mast 8 bay bow tie with a winegard ap8700 for the best all around UHF reception.   this was a $50 antenna and a $45 preamp off ebay.   Both antennas are mounted on a tower at about 45 feet.  I can watch 4-1, 12-1 exceptionally well, as good as Madison stations which are 35 miles away.  I was only able to pull in fox 6 once, but I watch Madison fox anyway with my vhf antenna.  Anyway, Greg Lengling gave me advise on preamps long ago and I believe in the winegards I have used so far.  

Good Luck.  

LT1 engine


Pre amps of any brand may cause problems.   The problem with adding a pre amp is that you boost up the powerful signal like CH 28, 34, 35, & 40 and they can cause what is called intermod in the amp.  This intermod can cause broadband interference to the weaker channels making them worse.  

As for signal strength of the STB.  May of the signal meters are really Bit/Error rate meters.  The higher the number the less errors.  If it really was signal strength, do you think that they all would that close.  Listed below is the power outputs listed with the FCC.

Ch 22 is 2540 watts ERP (Effective Radiated Power)
Ch 25 is 24800 watts ERP
Ch 28 is a 1million watts ERP  
Ch 33 is 5400 watts ERP
Ch 34 is 570,000 watts ERP.
CH 35 is 400,000 watts ERP
Ch 40 is 700,000 watts ERP
Ch 46 is 11600 watts ERP
Ch 61 is 18900 watts ERP



Years ago, I knew people who ran more power with their CB radio's than FOX 6 does!:eek: