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I finally did it

Started by easylistener, Thursday Jul 22, 2004, 04:57:55 PM

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Voom came through.  They dropped of my pre-amp.  They didn't want to install it so I did for them.  They brought the wrong one but it still works.  They gave me a wingard.  I wanted the CM.  Along as it works that is all I want.

I live in West Bend,  I have my antenna on a 35ft tower.  I am using my voom receiver.

Signal is
4.1 -  97
6.1 -  35
10.1 - 90
12.1 - 97
18.1 - 40
24.1 - 85
36.1- 96
58.1 - 79

I also get pax but I never watch it.  

I just thought some of you would like my update.



What kind of antenna tower did you put up?  Is it bracketed, self supported or guyed?  Where did you get it?

I'm looking to get the antennas out of my attic so I can rotate it. Currently I have two antennas arrayed together. One for Milw, and one for Green Bay.  I'd like to place my large Winegard outside on a rotator and simplify my setup while gaining more stations from different markets.

I would appreciate any info you might have.

By the way, how do you like the firmware update from VOOM?  The channel scan feature is a nice addition.


It is a 35 ft tower.  It is free standing.  I have it cemented into the ground and then bolted to my eve of my house.   I bought it from a friends dad.  20 bucks.  I have a rotor on it but don't have a control box for it.

How is the reception from green bay?  I was thinking of getting a control box and trying to get it.  My motivation isn't very high because I get all of milwaukee now.

You can come over if you want and check out how I did the tower.  Just email me and I will give you my address


I like the channel scan thing.  Ever since my receiver had been acting wierd.  Plus I don't like how the changed the signal meter values.  I thought some one cut down some trees when I first checked the signal aftor the upgrade


Green Bay is coming in ok considering I'm using a $23 Radio Shack UHF-Only antenna in the attic.  No pre-amp either. The signal levels are just good enough not to have any drop-outs, but if the weather is bad it starts acting up a bit.

Thanks for the invite to come see your tower. I'll follow up with you over the next week or so to see when is a good time to visit.
