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HDTV-- Food for thought!

Started by GS kid, Thursday Jan 29, 2004, 11:31:12 AM

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GS kid

This isn't a question, but a little cool thought for your brain to kinda chew on. It's a take on HDTV that I'm sure most people never really think about.

 We all love HDTV with it's rich colors and ultra crisp images. 720p & 1080i and all 100% digital. It's a great time to be alive I'd say. I wish my father had lived to see the things we have now. He died in 1985. Of course we all will pass on someday and this got me to thinking. We all grew up learning about history of our country and that of the rest of the world. Jesus, Moses, the middle ages, discovery of america, and the Civil War to just name a few. We read books on it. See paintings of what it was like back then. Then the invention of film and moving pictures. We see these old grainy black & white films from the early 1900's, scratches and all. Then color film was invented. Then on to analog video tape. When you look at old film and video tape archives, they have two things in common. The color fades and the images become less sharp with time. Just looking at the picture alone tells anbody right away that these things were filmed long ago, regardless to timeperiod cues in the content itself. It was long ago and the picture quality confirms this instantly. Film and VHS tapes are analog in nature. Both degrade with every generation (a copy of a copy of a copy...etc) and with passage of time.       ..... Enter HDTV and the digital age!

Digital is simply an on/off signal. Nothing more.. nothing less. It never fades with time. You can make a copy of a copy 1 million generations out from the original and it will be exactly the same with no degradation. As long as make periodic copies before the actual storage medium starts to degrade to the point where it corrupts the data, the digital content can last forever. Now combine that fact with the wonder that is HDTV. The recorded HD programs, news, films, and events we have made today can be made to last forever. Just imagine that.

People 1000 years from now can watch the news/films/events of our times and see them exactly the way we saw them. In ultra sharp HDTV and with no degradation of color or sharpness. Imagine if all the great events of history could be seen that way by us. An HD camera filming people like Jesus, George Washington,  and the Three Stooges. Events like Moses parting the Red Sea and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Imagine seeing all this and the rest of the people and events of OUR history up to now in crystal  clear HD as if we ourselves were there that day in our world's past. Nothing old or faded looking about it in anyway. Seeing it the same as the day it was filmed. Seeing our family from 20 generations ago. Seeing HD video of them on each of their birthdays from birth to death. All their life's events in between as well. It just blows your mind away just thinking  about it. How cool would that be?
This will be a reality for our future generations.
As the PBS Digital slogan says..... "Welcome to the Future....."
Welcome indeed.

Like I said.......... It's a great time to be alive!

Too bad we can't be there to look back at all this through the eyes of an HD camera.

.......... And that was food for thought! ------  GS kid

John L

HDTV is just the start.  In the future there might be something BETTER than HDTV, and probably will.  But we may not be around to see it.

-John L.


3D Holographic entertainment centers.  :p


QuoteOriginally posted by GS kid
People 1000 years from now can watch the news/films/events of our times and see them exactly the way we saw them. In ultra sharp HDTV and with no degradation of color or sharpness.

And they will think, "How quaint!, How on earth could the people of that time look at such a poor 2D image?"

By then entertainment will be a full 360deg sight, sound, sensual (smell, touch) and emotive experience fed directly into the brain neurons from a widget the size of a matchbox.

It'll be a whole new meaning to reality show!  30th Century Fox will be downloading their latest reality show into your nugget – "My Big Slimy Green Alien."  :)

Let's see a blonde bimbo (they never change) from the island nation of California (it broke of from mainland USA in the big quake of 2130 and proceeded to drift off into the Pacific.  In 2274 they sort independence and won it in 2277....) brings home a Zog alien from Beta7, after a vacation on Orion.  She has just three weeks to convince her family that she is serious and to bless the wedding between her and this slimy green blob that is a Zog.  If she does it she'll win a trillion credits!

Hey!  I like that idea.  Can I copyright that idea now, so my family will be rich in a thousand years from now?  :rofl: