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TWC Field Day?

Started by Joel S, Friday Oct 10, 2003, 02:47:05 PM

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Joel S

Anybody have any scoop on what the "TWC field day" at Miller Park is all about on Oct 25th?  I am really only curious about what new channel will be launched at 11:11 am.  I have heard the ad on radio and the TWC website.  Hopefully it won't be channel 1111 which is in the eye control tier.

Maybe it will be something like InHD.  The InHD channels are already out there hiding on channels 520&521.

Tom Snyder

I could be wrong, but I don't know that TWC cares enough about HiDef to make a major event out of a few new HD channels.

When were they expecting to launch their Local All News Channel?
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


When talking to a CSR about a service issue, I was told that it will be Wisconsin OnDemand on Channel 1111.

There was no information on programming available.

Tom Snyder

This from Tim Cuprisin last June:

InDemand, the pay-per-view programming service, will revamp its lineup this fall, with two channels reserved for live events such as wrestling and boxing
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I have heard rumors of a Channel 1 all news station. Same format of Fox News Channel and CNN but all local news. I would assume it would be Similar to NY1 in New York http://www.ny1.com . Which i believe is run my Time Warner. I was wishing it was going to be WMLW TV 41 on the analog lineup. but i doubt that will ever happen. I will hopefully be down at millerpark on the 25th and i will keep everyone informed to that best that i can.


Tom Snyder

The all-news channel wasn't expected to be ready for launch until Spring 2004, but you never know. Although nothing in TV ever seems to happen early.
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org

John L

Thats true, hardly TV stations that plan things usually get delayed.  

I remember WCGV-TV was to sign on in late 1978, but they kept putting it off until finally they signed on as a independent station on March 24, 1980 and by June offered SelectTV pay TV programming.

I recall last year WCGV and WVTV aiming to put their Digital Transmitters on the air before the FCC deadline in late 2002. They finally got them on the air in March 2003.

-John L.


The launch at 11:11 is for the local Milwaukee Channel 1 (Digital Boxes only) feauturing local cut-ins and a full local news nightly.

Pre-register for a special gift :)

http://www.wiscomm.com/media - Media Monitoring Guide


Way to go TWC; another news station is exactly what everyone wants; we don't have enough of those.

I'd hate to actually get the promised Fox Sports HD and InHD, or even better yet ESPN HD.  Maybe in the Year 2008, we'll get those stations.

Great job as always TWC with staying in touch with your customers desires!


TWC in Austin, TX has IN HD 1 & 2 since 9/15 with an asking price of $5.95 extra and HD Discovery at no extra charge.:eek:
Why couldn't TWC Milwaukee have this as the new-channel announcement???

Maybe the "brains" at TWC Milwaukee office  think SE Wisconsin HD-subscribers are either too few or too tight with money to get these extra channels, now. :D

I know that I would gladly pay what amounts to about half  the charge of what Directv subs pay for in what equates to 2/3 of what they get in extra HD channels for if the IN HD 1 & 2 channels come at that price  because  HD Discovery is coming in at no extra charge vs. Directv's package.

But that is just my opinion.;)

WHY does SE Wisconsin always be the last to get anything HD?
Does TWC here really think this area of the country is so stupid and lame that it can't appreciate HDTV? IF you don't offer more HD channels, you cannot get the subscriber base for HD viewers. As I see in the TWC website, the IN HD channels are STILL posted as coming in fall.
This is still October, so I will try patience, however, when December comes it will no longer be fall!  Then I am moving back  to a house and the choice of sat or cable comes to pass again,  as I will out of the apartment.
I have RG6 all over the newly built  house, along  with PVC runs for Sat if I decide to go with it instead,to ease installation.
TWC had better come though with both of the IN HD channels or I am disconnecting and not taking those TWC boxes WITH me! :mad:  
I am not one of those cheap and stupid TWC customers they think they have here. Only a knowledgeable-and prepared one!:bang:  
The "party" TWC is having is an insult to the subscriber and I will bet the same ignorant CSRs we get to talk to on the phone for service will be there...oh great!:eek:

Tom Snyder

Sounds like a great opportunity to show up en masse and let them know how we feel. The TV spot talks about demonstrations of HD.  And this is a big enough deal that there certainly will be some upper level muckety-mucks from TWC there.  If lots of us go, and search them out and politely, but passionately voice our displeasure, it may make an impact... if nothing else, it will give them an opportunity to tell you their rationale...
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I know I'm planning to go there.
1.  to voice my HDTV (or lack of)concerns and
2.  to check out DVR first hand and inquire about the HD version.
3. Win Packer Tickets!!!!

John L

I was thinking of going Saturday, but suddenly something else came up that requires my presence.

Oh well!

Have Fun!

-John L.


I don't feel bad for you guys in mke. here in the Madison area just in the last month got HD cable(Charter) and there is only 6 ch. hdnet, hdmovie, hbo, sho, and 2 locals cbs and abc.


Sorry Boyz, I got some bad information about the channel release, they are still planning on launching the local "Milwaukee One" channel (now likely Spring 04), the new Wisconsin "In-Demand" channel is on Digital 1111, showing bio's on Al McGuire and the like. Seems pretty weak.

Just a quick review of Saturday.... What a pissin waste of money and resources, first of all, I never underestimate the cheapness of a Wisconsin resident, pulling into the lot about 10:30 on Sat I was amazed that the main lot was nearly 1/2 full!!! Upon entering the first thing I noticed was the lines of people criss-crossing the concources (I thought, WOW, they must be giving away something good like a month of free cable or something, instead these people were lined up for a free LIME-GREEN painters cap with an "A&E" logo on it). My God!

Seems like the main focus of this event was to push the DVR's as the largest areas were set aside for the demos of these units and they had 6 pallets of these ready to go home with you. My demo volunteer was very knowledgeable and no too pushy.

They also featured a large area pushing the RoadRunner service, only one problem, the service was up and down for 30 minutes I was there. They also had the bandwidth routed so badly that I was only able to obtain a speed test of 183/210 on BroadbandReports.com

*** HDTV, they had two projections set-up with (less than optimal viewing conditions) a lone rep from American TV (no TWC reps at all), he was rather busy and I wasn't prepared to wait to ask about the HD-DVR box.

Sorry again about the bad information I got about Milwaukee One. :guns:


Media Monitoring Guide - http://www.wiscomm.com/media