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UPDATE: Packers/Bears MNF Highlight of the game

Started by Sibby, Tuesday Sep 30, 2003, 10:10:27 AM

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If you watched the game at all last night, you undoubtedly saw the highlight of the game.  Although strangely enough it didn't occur on the field.  It occurred in the stands when a lowly Bears fan, stood up (with his mardi gras beads proudly displayed around his neck), threw his arms up in disbelief, and opened his eyes wide enough to realize what was happening to his beloved team.  

They showed this clip at least 3 times.  Now my question is, has anyone captured this hallowed image or do they know where I can get it?  Having this as my wallpaper would bring a smile to my face each and every day...probably till the end of time.

Eternally gratefull...


Matt Heebner

I would also love a screen capture of this as well....I know of a few Bears fans I would love to send that to...;)


Gregg Lengling

I guess as I saw the game was going our way well into the first quarter I should have fired up the recording on the computer but forgot to, I got too wrapped up in the game.  Next time...unless I forget again.
Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI
Living the life with a 65" Aquos
glengling at milwaukeehdtv dot org  {fart}

Todd Wiedemann

So, I posted a reply on the Bears vs. Packers topic at AVS asking a similar question, without the detail.

... just asked if someone recorded the game, I was looking for a specific, easy to find still, not Lisa Guerrero. :D

It was deleted without notification.

I've had run ins with 'Ken H' over there before.

Does anyone here think the HDTV sections are being over-moderated by Ken ???

I'm tempering my anger right now ... at least until someone agrees with me. :D


Tom Snyder

Actually, I kinda try to use Ken's moderating style as my example of how NOT to do it.
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org

Todd Wiedemann

Amen, my brother, amen.

That dude is a freaking Na*i !!

What's his deal, anyway ?? All the other forums over there are fairly relaxed.


...and no holy grail of Packer images?  Shame on you Gregg! ;)  Well, again, I'm still on the mad hunt for this, looks like I'm going back to Google.  Ask around everyone, I'm sure someone we know has got it!




I think the highlight was the fact that we actually won the friggin' game!:D


I got an email today from Mr. Wiedemann telling me he found the gold at the end of the rainbow.  I've zipped up the shots and posted them here.  All thanks to Todd! :bow:

Enjoy! (my desktop certainly is)


Todd Wiedemann

Tom Snyder

I resized a couple to make them into 1024x768 wallpaper. The Favre one is sooooo cool... the frustrated Bears fan lost a little resolution, but still gets the point across...  You'll find them, at
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org

Dan the Man

For these great pics guys!!!!;)

The Law

Hehe.  I remember seeing the guy during the game.  I love the fact that the quarter ends, the score has changed, and he's in the same posture.


Tom Snyder

They recorded the live shot for use later with a different graphic.  It was worth saving....
Tom Snyder
Administrator and Webmaster for milwaukeehdtv.org


I'm giving another call out just because it's so damn funny!  My initial post here was the MNF game againt the Bears and the great shot they kept showing of the Bears fan with his hands up in arms.  Now I don't know if anyone else noticed this yesterday....but almost the same exact thing happened yesterday, but substitute a Bears fan for a Guy in a gorilla suit!!!

Now I don't have the setup to capture golden images like this, but if someones got it, send it my way...I need a new desktop image...or maybe I'll make a collage with the old one.  A shot of Farve on the field in his best game ever wouldn't be too bad either ;)

Thanks Guys
